Settling Accounts(Part 2)

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What happened last time was that the South invaded Ohio to split the U.S. in half, and Confederate general Patton set his sights on Pittsburg, resulting in it becoming a parallel to Stalingrad.


There are several parallels to our timeline's WWII, like who's Patton's rival general? Irving Morrell. Don't see it yet? Let me switch some letters around a bit, uh, and uh, change a few of them. *gasp* Old man Rommel?!

Erwin Rommel after being unmasked by Fred from Scooby-Doo:

And I would've gotten away with it too if it weren't for you pesky historians!


Okay, so there are several things like that. While some might find it unoriginal, I actually enjoy it. I see them as wonderful easter eggs inside the series. Besides, some things still go differently. It's not like the other side isn't still the Allies, it's old-fashioned WWI imperialism, just with better weapons.

Wait a minute. None of this involves Japan, does it? What's Japan doing? Well, in case you didn't know, since the U.S. never took the Philippines, Japan did. Also, they somehow acquired French Indochina and the Dutch East Indies in the 1920's. The book didn't explain it that well, it's kinda implied intimidation and compensation, but, you know, it's not a main part of the story. So, it doesn't matter.

The whole point is, they're bigger. So, despite this, the United States, and presumably Germany, in the Pacific, could cause problems for their expansion. So, like in WWI, Japan is still on the side of the Allies. They're having naval battles with the U.S. near Hawai'i and actually capture Midway Island. Then, they lose it, and they never really take Hawai'i. That's about it for a while, but we'll get back to them later.

What about Europe? Well, the British took over Ireland, Russia invaded Ukraine, which is a German puppet state essentially, and a massive allied offensive invades the low countries and the Rhineland. Belgium is liberated from being a puppet state and the Netherlands are actually a Central Power, so they get overrun too. Germany manages to hold them off at the Rhine river and outside of Hamburg, then it's a stalemate again.

Britain at one point tries to stupid thing and take resources from Norway so Germany doesn't get them, but that only causes Norway to join the Central Powers. Oops. Anything else important happen? Oh yeah, the British and Confederated drug the U.S. out of the Bahamas and Bermuda, and, Utah rebels again, and uh, *breaths*, yeah, there is another thing too.


Utah's third rebellion involves the invention of suicide bombing, except it's instead called people bombing. And during the time between parts two and four, the two months that Cody has scheduling problems in regards to his future videos, I looked some stuff up about Featherston and the Southern Victory ending. They involve something that should be talked about in the next chapter. I will warn you that it's very dark and abhorrent, but it plays an important role in the Settling Accounts storyline, which will be continued in the next chapter.

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