American Empire(Part 2)

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The previous chapter caught everyone up on "How Few Remain" and "The Great War". The C.S.A. won the Civil War in 1862, Cuba is purchased, and the Mexicans give Sonora and Chihuahua to the South. The Second Mexican War breaks out in 1881-1882, and the South abandons slavery to get British and French aid. The North is enemies of those three because of this and the first war, and aligns with Germany, joining the Central Powers.

The Great War comes along, with the two Americas stalemating as this war is the second use of trench warfare in history. The U.S. takes and occupies populated border towns in Canada, the French soldiers create mutinies and drop out of the war, Russia has to deal with its revolution, and the U.S. creates an advantage against the South.

George Custer invented the tank- I mean, barrel, and used it against the Confederate lines. The segregated African Americans in the South go Marxist and revolt. The South crushes the rebellion with everything they should've used to stop the U.S. from advancing even further than when they used the barrels to break through.

The Great War ends in a Central Powers victory with Germany shrinking Russia and crushing the Bolsheviks, taking the rest of Alsace-Lorraine from France, and stripping them and Britain of some of their African colonies. The U.S. takes French and British islands in North America, except for Jamacia, and even Canada, excluding Quebec, which becomes a U.S. puppet. They also humiliate the South by taking west Texas to become Houston, occupy Sequoyah, retake Kentucky, and other Southern territories. Now, Cody shall begin the 20's society following these events.


It's the 1920's, only a few years after the war. The South is now devastated by the loss of this. Feeling victorious by winning one out of three, the United States punishes the South for the war. Pretty much what just happened to Germany. War reparations, limit on military, you get the point. And just like in our Germany, being subject to humiliating defeat and punishment from your enemies doesn't mend ties.

The atmosphere in the 1920's North America is that there will be another conflict. It seems that the North and South are just destined to forever clash. However, as of now, the Confederates are too weak to do anything against the U.S. But one man is willing to change that, even if that means he controls the Confederates himself. And his name was Adolf H- I mean, Jake Featherston.

*groans* Really should've been a better name. Oh well.

Jake Featherston served in the war against America. Never being allowed to be promoted, due to a grudge from the officers, he became bitter towards much of the authority from Southern higher-ups. The capitalists, aristocrats, officers, politicians, he wanted to wipe the slate clean. Not only that, he blamed the socialist black rebels for stabbing the South in the back, and causing them to lose the war. Well, luckily for him, he found a new ideology that embraced his hatred of everyone but himself. The Nazi Part- I mean, the Freedom Party.


The irony. We'll get into the Freedom Party and more of Featherston, as well as the North and other nations, in the upcoming chapter.

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