The Great War(Part 1)

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EmperorTigerstar will explain what happened previously to catch you up, but I'll tell you this. Sometime in between "How Few Remain" and "The Great War", there was the Hispaniolan-Japanese War, which ended in a Japanese victory, and resulted in several Spanish Pacific Islands, including the Philippines and Guam, going to the Japanese. So, here is Tigerstar's video.


Geez, this solid gray background is as dull as-


Hey, Cody, glad you could make it!


Yeah... So did you tell the viewers this is only part two of four?


I figured the title made that obvious.


Oh, silly smaller channel! So blissfully ignorant with protocol!


My channel was around before yours.


Part one of this alternate history timeline is on a video on my channel, which is linked in the description. There will also be a part three on my channel with part four back on THIS channel.


Yep. Anywho. So last time, to sum things up, the South broke away. They took Cuba, most of Northern Mexico causing the Second M-


Don't give TOO much away buddy.

*Cody leaves*


So the next three books are set almost two generations later, after the last book. The United States has now lost two wars against the South. And they're as bitter as ever. The entangling alliances that led up to World War I in our timeline STILL exist here, except now, they include the United States as a Central Power and the Confederacy as an ally of Britain and France. We start with the outbreak of World War I, and so naturally, the U.S.A. and C.S.A. get dragged in.

By the way, the U.S. president is Theodore Roosevelt, who is a Democrat. Since both presidents who fought the South and lost were Republicans, the Republican party has become a minor party and the Democrats have essentially won every single presidency up to this point so far, although that'll change in part three.

The Confederate president is Woodrow Wilson, who is a Whig. Yes. The Whigs are back, except this time, in the South, and, similar to the Democrats in the North, the Whigs are dominating the Confederacy.

What's life in the South like in the 1910's? Well, slaves have been freed for a long time, but are essentially still slaves in everything but name. They're still not treated like humans with rights, and they're not happy about it, which is an important detail, because that'll come back later.


Actually, instead of slavery, there is segregation in the C.S.A. So, we still have something like Jim Crow laws.


As for the North, the amount of bitterness is high. The anniversary of their defeat back in the Second Mexican War was a yearly event of remembrance. They wanted vengeance once and for all. So naturally, they were eager to get the great war started. However, the South ended up launching the first offensive. They try to imitate Robert E. Lee and capture Philadelphia like how they won independence back in 1862, except naturally, the trench warfare kinda makes that a bit hard. And the trench warfare is everywhere because it's World War I.

When the U.S. forces tried to invade Confederate-held Kentucky, again, trench warfare makes it kinda a nightmare. However, to make matters worse, the U.S. also has to deal with British Canada up north. Along THAT border, which has essentially been fortified, the fighting is a bit more sporadic. But the U.S. eventually break through and captures most important Canadian towns along the border.


More about the war will be in the next chapter.

Southern Victory(Cody and Tigerstar)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن