The Great War(Part 2)

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The last chapter saw the U.S. being a Central Power and the C.S. being of the Allies. Trench warfare is in North America with the first World War being on the continent as well. The North and South are having a hard time invading each other, but the North captures the important Canadian population centers along the border, including Toronto, the land south of the St. Lawrence River, Gretna, Emerson, Pincher Creek, among other places.


In Europe, the war goes the exact same, because we didn't enter WWI in our timeline until 1917. But what happens WHEN we get to 1917? Welp, truth be told, the U.S. entered the war at a good time in our timeline. French troops in1917 began to feel mutinies, and there were huge worries that France would drop out if the soldiers refused to fight. Luckily, American intervention calmed down as finally they were gonna have the manpower to push forward.

Here, well, the U.S. certainly isn't coming. The C.S.A. did NOT send any forces either because they have to deal with the United States invading their country. So the mutinies in this timeline become so great that France simply can't take it anymore and agrees to make peace with the Central Powers.

Russia, like in our timeline, drops out because of the Russian Revolution, and so, Britain and the Confederacy are the only ones left. However, the U.S. eventually breaks through Confederate defenses. Why? Well, George Armstrong Custer. Yes, Custer.


What I didn't tell you is that because of the South winning the War of Secession, the North had no one else to take out their anger on. So, they took it out on the native tribes. 


Due to the U.S. going awol against the Native Americans after they lost against the South, after all, they did not want to have to deal with another enemy, there is never a Battle of Little Bighorn. Custer lived and remained in the Army since then. He was around in the original war of Southern independence and was now an old man who would become an armchair general. But he also helped come up with a new revolutionary device.

Custer was a cavalryman and wanted to find a way to combine cavalry and artillery. He came up with a barrel. You all know this device as a tank. But THAT name was given because the British called their device a tank to fool the Germans into thinking it was a device that held water. Here, the Americans invented first, and they have the same general idea, but the American name for a giant container of water is a barrel, not a tank, so that's the proper name for this vehicle from now on.

These barrels' firepower along with cavalry-style tactics would be what breaks the Confederate front lines, and the U.S. advances all around. They gain around in Sonora, Sequoyah, West Texas, Virginia, Arkansas, and even penetrate past Kentucky and down into Tennessee. How could it possibly get worse?


The next chapter will explain how.

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