The Actual Collaboration

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The Southern Victory series has come to a close with the Confederate States now under control of the U.S. What Cody and Tigerstar didn't cover was that the U.S. agreed to treat captured Canadian rebels as prisoners of war, resulting in Canadian rebellions being crushed. Though it is still unclear for how much longer the U.S. will keep control of Canada for. No one knows what would become of independent Texas and the Confederate States of Cuba, Sonora, and Chihuahua, but it soon becomes clear that the U.S. plans on keeping them, and probably Baja California.

In the 1944 election, the new U.S. president is Thomas E. Dewey of the Democrats, who chooses the idea of readmitting the southern states back into the Union and to continue La Follette's policy of equality in the armed services.

On another case, Dewey invents the Dewey Doctrine, which would continue the partnership with Germany and have the two police the world, and prevent nations like Japan, Russia, and France from developing atomic weapons. It is unknown what would become of Germany's government and the other Central Powers, as well as Britain. It is also unknown what might someday become of Japan's government and Russia's, as well as Alaska and Mexico.

There are no confirmations of a Cold War in the aftermath. Whatever you can come up with in regards to what happens in 1945/1946 up to the 2010's, comment down below.

Now, these here are the actual videos that this Wattpad thing inspired me to do.

One thing I'll add is that it is unknown if the South will rise again, or if there will be that mentality, and this culture resenting the occupation. One thing that seems unclear is the state of Africa. But still, there is this question on Quora asking about a world where the Confederacy won the Great War. Here is the link:

Josh Velson's answer has details and makes sense. But do you think Cody and Tigerstar would agree? Please comment down below.

Southern Victory(Cody and Tigerstar)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant