American Empire(Part 1)

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After two months since EmperorTigerstar uploaded part two of a collaboration between him and Cody regarding the Southern Victory series, Cody finally created part three.


Well, that only took two months.

Harry Turtledove's Southern Victory series imagined a world where the American Civil War ended with the Confederate States of America becoming its own independent nation. The end to one conflict, however, is merely the start of a century of hatred between the two former allies. It's a century that spans over nine books. And in the case of this YouTube series, four parts.

In this video series, EmperorTigetstar and I are focusing on the world and history that Turtledove crafted. Timeline 191. Alliances are shifted and victories are changed simply because the South is now a force to be reckoned with. These videos are meant for those are interested in the scenario, but don't want to go through the novels themselves. They aren't summaries of character motivations or plot-by-plot details. Just the simple big history of events that transpired, and why they transpired.

But hey. Perhaps after listening to this, you want to get into the books as a result. Who knows? the two past videos, part one and two, go into detail on what exactly happened. However, to catch everyone up, here is a brief summary of what occurred in the 60 years since the South was victorious.

The South won the American Civil War back in the 1860's. An invasion of the North by Robert E. Lee's forces was successful, and it was a slap in the face to the Union cause. The Union was forced by the British and French to allow the Confederates to break away, and the war ends in Southern independence. This forever destroys the relationship between the North and these two.

A few decades later, the South tries to get Mexican land. The U.S. threatens war. Knowing there is no way they can win without these two helping, the South realizes it won't get help without getting rid of slavery. And so, even though it goes against much of their code, slavery is officially disbanded, and the South gets help.

War breaks out. The United States gains the German Empire as a friend, but, it doesn't stop it from being beat yet again by the coalition. Instead of the U.S. being united for a single alliance, it's now split. The North aligns itself with the Central Powers against the British and French-allied Confederates. Surprise, surprise, war breaks out yet again. World War I. The Great War.

In this alternate timeline, the war is ALSO on the American homeland. The North American front is just as brutal as the Western and Eastern fronts of Europe. Union and Confederate forces stalemate at the Mason-Dixon Line, as a hellscape of trench warfare begins to take shape. Since the British are enemies, the U.S. invades the populated areas of Canada and permanently occupies the territory.

The war in Europe goes entirely different. The French mutiny and surrender. Custer, who survived, introduces the first use of tank warfare, or, barrel warfare, against the Confederate lines. While the frontline collapsed, the oppressed blacks in the South had enough and rebelled against the Confederates. A socialist black rebellion spread throughout the Mississippi valley. Valuable resources are used to destroy the uprising, but it's enough that the North can break through.

The South is defeated. The British are defeated. WWI ends with a Central Powers victory. Germany gains territory, the U.S. gains Kentucky, part of Texas, and Canada. So, I think we're all caught up.


The next chapter will REALLY begin the "American Empire" series.

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