The Great War(Part 4)

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Our previous chapter ended with the Central Powers winning the Great War. France lost the rest of Alsace-Lorraine and some of its colonies to Germany, Russia lost land, and the Bolsheviks are dead. We now look at the other two Allies.


Britain. They lost a few colonies to the European Central Powers, but through the United States, they lost more. WAY more. The U.S. was not happy about how the British twice stopped them from beating the South. So they take Hawai'i from them, and the Bahamas, and Bermuda, and the biggest prize of all, British Canada.


I feel like the U.S. could've taken Jamaica. Still, the French had territories in the Northwestern Hemisphere that the U.S. took, including St. Pierre and Miquelon. Still, Maine has been restored to its shape before the Second Mexican War.


"Wait a minute", you may ask, "ALL of Canada? That's a bit much. Don't you think?" Actually, it's not. Canada wasn't developed much past the southern border area, Other than the occasional town and railroad, the U.S. during the war captured nearly all of these important southern areas. What use would Britain have for the rest of it? Even with the resources there, without these southern areas, they couldn't sustain a colony here. So, now all of it is under U.S. military occupation, except for Quebec.

In order to relieve some pressure on U.S. occupation forces, the U.S. gives Quebec independence as the Republic of Quebec. The Republic of Quebec is essentially an American. puppet state. If any of you think this is cliche, it's really not. Quebec back then had a lot of separatist movements. They voted on it twice in the late 1900's even. But wow! The U.S. got a lot from Britain. How about the South?

Welp, the South was humiliated. Any land they took during the war was essentially theirs by right of conquest. A chunk of northern Virginia was given to West Virginia, Kentucky is taken back into the Union, Sequoyah is under U.S. occupation, parts of Sonora are annexed to New Mexico, western Texas is broken off, and it becomes the U.S. state of Houston, even though Houston is not in Houston. Once again, good job with the naming.


I feel that Tigerstar was trying to say that last phrase to Turtledove, in regards to calling certain pieces of Texas the perfect names.


The South was definitely humiliated. One disgruntled soldier is horrified by this. He wants to bring back the South's glory. He's also mad at the African Americans who rebelled earlier, claiming that they stabbed the South in the back. He'll be back in the next set of books, ready to bring his mad visions to life. His name is Jake Featherston. Okay, sorry, I could never find that name intimidating, but you'll find out more about him in part three.


*comes back*

I'm back!


Oh, hey! How'd you enjoy part two?


Huh? What? Oh, yeah. Trenches and bullets and stuff.


Hahaha! Next part is mine! Part three is back on my channel, coming about a week after this one.


Does that mean-


We'll talk about it later.



Well, you heard it here folks. This complex timeline continues. Thanks for watching. Be sure to subscribe to see more videos and be sure to subscribe to AlternateHistoryHub so you can catch the next part and see his awesome videos over other alternate history timelines.


The next part wasn't released the following week, but a few months after part two.

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