Settling Accounts(Part 4)

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The previous events we discussed involved Featherston bringing Holocaust upon the African Americans, the U.S. creating advantages upon the South, and Japan switching sides. Now, we get into the intense moments that we can hope wouldn't be directed by Michael Bay.


Say, doesn't WWII involve nukes? Yes, it does, except in this timeline, they're called superbombs, and actually, that's kind of a cooler name. Naturally, everyone is scrambling to get them as quickly as possible. The real question is, "Who gets them first?" Well, with Germany never going Nazi, they kept a lot of notable Jewish scientists, like Albert Einstein. So, they had quite the head start. They got their nukes first and in 1944, decided to use them.

They gave an ultimatum for Russia to make an armistice or else. Russia said no, so the Germans nuked Petrograd. The Tsar wasn't in there, so he didn't die, but he begrudgingly still refused to surrender. So Germany decided to try the other side and gave the same ultimatum to France. They said no, Paris got nuked, and this time, the French king WAS there. So France quickly capitulated as they had no backup leader and frankly, they were tired of fighting.


There is an image on the Turtledove Wiki. It shows the Eiffel Tower being reduced to a stump as a result of Germany nuking Paris.


Seeing their other ally out of the war, Russia finally asked for an armistice, realizing they had no hopes of winning the war anyway. Plus, it seemed like Japan was also going to invade Russia and like try to take Siberia or something, so they had other problems.

The next nation to develop an atomic bomb was actually the Confederacy, but it wasn't as powerful as they kind of rushed. They were super worried the U.S. would make a bomb first. So, they use their rushed bomb on Philadelphia. It did cause a lot of damage but didn't destroy the entire city. Still, the U.S. was angry and sped up their own nuclear efforts. They also finally advanced closer to Richmond, so Featherston had to begin fleeing south.


To bring you up to speed, the new U.S. president in 1942 is Charles W. La Follette.


The U.S. was third and nuked Newport News, Virginia. Why? They had intelligence Featherston was there, but he had already left. GUYS! NUKES! AREN'T! TOYS! Then, after Germany nuked Paris, the U.S. nuked Charleston, as it was the city with Fort Sumter, the area that started all this fighting, all the way back in 1861.

Meanwhile, Winston Churchill remained in Britain. He didn't give up. He said he'd fight on the beaches, he'd fight on the landing grounds, then, he decided to nuke Hamburg. So how did Germany respond to the nuking of Hamburg? They retaliated threefold, by superbombing Norwich, Brighton, and London.

This was a problem because even though Winston Churchill had escaped London as well as the royal family, Britain didn't have as many bombs as Germany did apparently. Germany in fact even warned them that they had more bombs and were willing to use them if they didn't surrender. Churchill still didn't give up and tried to send another bomb, which was shot down over Belgium before it could get anywhere. Oops.

With no options left, Churchill was ousted by what was left of the British government and the British requests for an armistice. Japan was a non-threat for the Central Powers, so that meant the Confederates were the last one left.


The end all to be all is in the next chapter.

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