Settling Accounts(Part 1)

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This is it. The fourth and final part of the Southern Victory YouTube series that Cody of AlternateHistoryHub and EmperorTigerstar based off of novels by Harry Turtledove.


For the fourth time in a hundred years, we're once again facing the incommunicable experiences of war. Man, we really can't get along now, can we?


In 1939, Confederate president Jake Featherston had been elected again for a second term. The only Confederate president to get another six years in office. However, this was largely for show, and only possible due to the way under his PREVIOUS term, he consolidated power and changed the Constitution which effectively made him president for life.

With the conflict brewing in Europe, many knew it was inevitable. The fighting would begin again between the Confederacy and their eternal rival, the United States of America.

Terry Beauregard:

My great grandfather fought the Yankees, my grandfather fought the damn Yankees, and my father fought the goddamn Yankees. It's my turn now and I don't know what Yankee I'll be fighting myself. Terry Beaureguard.


By the summer of 1941, he was ready for war against the United States and brought the Second Great War, and the fourth war between the states, to the American continent.

*The Second Great War Intro plays*


Okay, that's enough Ken Burns for one day. By the way, his entire Civil War documentary series is on Netflix, and you should watch it because it's one of the best documentaries ever. But seriously though, imagine living in this timeline. You might see a documentary exactly like this. Amazing to imagine the possibility of alternate history, which is why AlternateHistoryHub and I are making our videos over the Harry Turtledove Southern Victory series.

Again, this is not spoilers for the main characters and their developments, but the general lore of the alternate history itself. The changes in the map, the different wars, the influence they'd have on alternate future generations.

So as the beginning of this video pointed out, as well as at the end of part three, WW2-I mean, the Second Great War, has started. Europe is fighting again, and the Confederacy brings the war to the Americas with their invasion of Ohio, codenamed Operation Blackbeard. Get it? Because Barbarossa's a pirate and so is Blackbeard? *chuckles*

Anywho, now they're driving their way through Ohio to cut America off. Their hope is by cutting off supplies from the two halves of the country, as well as displaying their mighty military might, they would shock the United States and cause it to collapse or surrender or something.

But, surprise surprise, the U.S. doesn't give up, so, what now? Well, general Patton who's leading Confederate forces decides to focus on the city of Pittsburg. It's a good checkpoint on the map and an industrial center. So they try to besiege the city, but the U.S. army manages to prevent that, so it becomes a bitterly-fought battle street by street. Some of you may be asking, "Does this make Pittsburg Stalingrad?" Yes. Yes, it does.


There is more information that'll be talked about in the next chapter.

Southern Victory(Cody and Tigerstar)Where stories live. Discover now