The Great War(Part 3)

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The previous chapter saw the European events going different starting in 1917, with the French mutinies and the Russian Revolution. Custer, who survived, develops the barrel, which is the alternate equivalent of the tank. It breaks the Confederate frontline, and the U.S. is having an easy time overrunning the Confederate trenches. EmperorTigerstar asked how things could get worse, and here is how.


Remember those not slaves yet totally slaves I mentioned earlier? With the military effort of the Confederacy collapsing, they took advantage of this. They rebelled. To make matters more frightening for the South, the philosophies of Karl Marx had much influence on the disgruntled African American population. So they rose up and declared several independent socialist republics.

The Confederacy was able to suppress all these efforts after around two years but cost them essential military men supplies in time that could've been used to try to stop the U.S. from advancing further. Because of this, the Confederacy, and also eventually the U.K., can no longer fight and are forced to make peace. The Central Powers have won World War I.


There is this question on Quora that talks about the Allies winning WWI in the Southern Victory timeline, but that'll be talked about later.


While the war takes up most of the story here, the peace treaty is the most important part. The U.S. had finally won against their rival in the South. Their hunger for revenge was about to be satisfied. What were they gonna do? Well, you know how the Treaty of Versailles did all it could to humiliate and destroy the spirit of Germany after WWI? Imagine that, but for the Allies, so let's do this one by one.

France. They lost a few colonies to Germany and more land from Alsace-Lorraine to Germany. They didn't really need anything else though. Germany had humiliated them for the second time in 50 years, that was good enough.

Russia. The treaty of Brest-Litovsk was signed, just like in our timeline, where they lost huge chunks of land, except THIS time, since Germany won WWI, it stays in place. So now, Germany and Austria-Hungary dominate eastern Europe. The Bolsheviks are also not a thing. The Germans don't want to deal with that, so they actually use their troops there to help the Russian monarchists kill off the Bolshevik forces. Now Russia itself was practically dependent on Germany.


It is currently unknown what happened to the Mensheviks. They were the name of a rival faction to the Bolsheviks, and are often forgotten by history. When Joseph Stalin came to power, the Mensheviks were purged to extinction by Stalin's state. There might be the idea that the Germans/Russian Monarchists killed off the Mensheviks as well, but I guess Turtledove will have to be asked about them.

Of course, the Germans had the idea for Mittleafrika, but never actually developed it in the Southern Victory timeline, as they still let the Allies keep some of their Central African territories, which are somewhat separating German territories in a way that Mittleafrika is incomplete. Yet, information on what Britain loses to the Central Powers will be talked about in the following chapter.

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