Sleepless Nights

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Faith POV
I tried to fall asleep but it just wasn't happening, I couldn't stop thinking about the voicemail Tim left me and the emotion in his voice. I rolled over in bed and noticed it was already 4:30 and I'd only slept maybe a total of 20 minutes. With a sigh I got up and made a cup of tea before sitting down on the couch and pulling a notebook and pen out of my bag on the floor and tried to write a song out of what was going on in my head.

I tried not to focus on the fact that I hadn't heard back from Faith, I also couldn't help but wonder if she even listened to it. I tried everything I could to fall asleep but no position I laid in was comfortable and I couldn't stop thinking about Faith. I needed to see her again, hear her voice again, hold her in my arms again. The thought of never being able to do any of that was enough to make me want to go to the bar and drink but instead I went and bought a ticket to her show in Birmingham that was at the end of next week and prayed that I'd be able to talk to her but would accept just seeing and hearing her perform if that's all I could get.

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