Operation G

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Jason POV
As I was walking to go talk to some of the roadies taking down the sound equipment, I heard my name being called. I turned to see that it was Tim that was calling my name, I slowly made my way over to where he was, making sure to be careful of what I say.
"Hey Tim, how you feeling?" I asked genuinely curious.
"I'm feeling really good, haven't gotten the urge to drink since I've been out. I think this time might actually stick"
"I'm glad to hear that, we miss you out on this tour" I said trying my best to keep Faith out of the conversation.
"I miss being out on stage with Faith and all the guys, but I get why I couldn't be on this tour. Hopefully on the next one I can rejoin you guys, if Faith will talk to me by then" he said and I had to choose my next words carefully.
"She's had a lot going on between the new album being released and the tour. I'm sure you'll hear from her soon Tim" I said trying to leave before I could let anything slip.
"Tell her I'm proud of her and that the show is amazing."
I was about to answer him when a call came through the radio.
"This is Jason, what's up?" I asked slightly turning from Tim in case it regarded Faith.
"We need a medic for operation G" I heard Kassie day with crying in the background. Shit something's wrong with Gracie and Faith is probably freaking out.
"I will Tim, you have a good night now" I said practically running away from him and paging a medic to Faith's bus.

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