Jumin as a Boyfriend

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"Jumin I said I can walk!"

You squealed for the millionth time, hiding your blushing face In Your hands as Jumin just carried you bridal style all over the school. He passed by your first clsss already twice and his own three times. You think he was looking for that gold digger to tell her off ASAP. That or he just had a thing for carrying you around the goddann school making you super duper embarrassed! He was doing this just to laugh at you, wasn't he? Well it wasn't funny. You'll get him back later. You swear it.

To recap what happened between the past chapter and this one: a new found you and took lots of photos. You slipped away for a moment to take a photo or two with V but then Jumin got angry. That's when he started to carry you around like a possession. To matter how you begged or squirmed, he held you tight. He used to be holding you like a sack of potatoes, but then he found Seven and realized guys like him will try to get a glimpse under your yellow dress of a school uniform to see what goods lie underneath. That lead to the carrying bridal style. You could barely get a word out of him and you were an embarrassed mess filled with so many emotions and so much co fusion you don't even know what your eyes going to do with yourself.  You hardly know how you aren't exploding from overstimulation right at this second.

"I prefer to carry you."

You humphed and slumpled down in his arms, crossing your arms. Well, at least you got an answer out of him. A hair fell out from behind your red ribboned ponytail and it hung over your face. You agnirly blew a puff of air to move it. It seemed to be caught back in place, j I'll it fell over your nose again. You grumbled and tried again. Nope. Again. Nope. Again! Nope! You got annoyed and just kept it there. You weren't going to unfold your arms! You were still mad at Jumin! Too bad the stoic rich boy wasn't taking you Seriosuly. You were far to adorable right now to be taken seriously. He sighed, letting a phantom of a smile play with the corners of his pale lips.

"You're hopeless, you know that? Alright."

Jumin finally let you down. You unfolded your arms once your feet touched the ground. Floor! Sweet sweet floor! Mother of Jesus Christ you were never so happy to be standing on your own! Hyperbole, duh. You didn't have to be super embarassed anymore! ...for now. Hey! Even a small victory is still a victory in your book! You gave into the smile and beamed up at Jumin. That's when you heard someone clear their throat behind you. You and the rwvenette turned around to see a brunette girl who looked like your stereotypical anime girl. Huge boobs, big blue eyes, and a smile that looked innocent but you know for a fact is hiding a slut. You don't like her already. You purse your lips and hide whatever bad feelings you were gettin from this girl. Who knows. You could be wrong.

"Hey Jumin! Uh, what are you doing with this slut? I thought you and Sarah were betrothed."

She giggled cutely before giving you a death glare. Never mind. You take back everything you said about giving her the benefit Of the doubt. Moral of the story: trust your gut. You glance over at Jumin, he seemed calm and collected. Sure, he could hide a storm surge behind his stoic expressions, but he seemed a bit too calm. You looked back at this girl. Sarah, she said? Must be the name of the pink haired gold digger. Note to self, be cautious of anyone with the name Sarah. Jumin wasn't saying anything, so you thought you should wait too. Jumin knows best in this situation after all. Forget that. Jumin actually did have something to say. You listened closely.

"Kyungju, why should you have any concern in my personal affairs? Or should I ask Zen that question?"

You watched her face go bright red as she looked down. Ooh, Jumin hit the jackpot! So this girl was named Kyungju... you know that name! On the internet there's a youtuber who goes by the name Echo Girl. That was her name reveal in a Q/A video. Huh, no wonder you didn't like her on first sight. Her voice was so autotuned hesring her speak it was almost unrecognizable. Scratch that. It was unrecognizable. That fact made you Want to snicker but you knew better. You should keep it in for now. Jumin has to take care of Kyungju for now. She's going to rally the info back to Sarah and hopefully she lays off of Jumin.

"Shut up! You have no right to do that to me! You're cheating on your fiancé! That is twitter material! Oh shit, hang on! Let me find my phone!"

She was looking in her hand bag, thrashing her hand about within it. You scoff and turn your back to her. Jumin had the same idea. He took your hand in his and started walking away at a fast pace. You struggled to match his long, quickened strides. Maybe he was right In carrying you. He knows it's hard to match his pace. He was obviously mad and hiding it. You started jogging to keep up with him. Jumin noticed this with a side glance. He slowed down a bit and turned his head after making sure he was at a straight shot and won't run into anything. Echo girl had her phone up. Jumin growled and halted, causing you to fumble a bit. You stopped with him. You watched Jumin glare at her, flicking her off. She gasped and you giggled as she snapped the photo and ran away. Jumin sighed and lowered his hand. He was obviously stressed out. You hugged him from behind.

"Don't worry, babe. We can deal with it later. Why don't I walk you to class?"

Jumin looked back over his shoulder at you. You were nuzzling yourself into his back. He chuckled and patted his hands over yours, telling you to let go. You did just that. Then, without a single word he took his arm under your ass and hoisted you up. He slid thst arm under your knees and used his other arm as a support. Whelp, guess we're back to princess style walking. You blushed a little and looked him in the eyes. His eyes weren't cold anymore. They were warm and accompanied by a smile.

"Alright, Princess. But I'm the one walking you~"

1115 Words


Eh, that was decent. I'm in a better mood and listening to a huge playlist of my favorite music so that had me inspired. I hope you enjoyed this...

Oh ya! I have a Yoosung x Seven book called "Do You Wanna Ride? ⭐️Yooseven⭐️" it would mean a lot if you read that too. I normally need a second, lesssr project to keep me occupied so I don't just put all my energy into one only to get bored of it. So yeah. Plz read it.

Also the video at the top is done by a favorite cover singer of mine so if you could subscribe to mah boi Ricky that would be amazing!

Other than that I have nothing else to say! I love you all so very much! Please vote, comment, and maybe share this book around! You're the best readers in the world! (Almost   at a thousand reads! Wow!)


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