Part 2

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In the morning, Sean focused on uploading one of his edited videos. While the video took its sweet ass time to load, he made himself coffee and did some warm-up stretches. He hated mornings, but he had a lot that he wanted to get done today. He needed new skates and more time in the rink. If he was going to try doing this again, than he needed to get back in shape. Once the video finished uploading, Sean dropped into the seat and recorded a new video. It wasn't going to be anything long. Just something he could get out quickly tomorrow. The moment he was done, he shut down his computer and raced around the house to gather up his stuff. Since he didn't have a car, he jogged over to the rink like he always had before. The prime times he enjoyed skating was in the early mornings, or late in the evenings. Most people didn't skate at those hours. Which left him with plenty of ice to practice on without judging eyes, or the fear of colliding with a novice skater. 

Slipping inside, the woman behind the counter greeted him with a bright smile. He nodded to her like he always did. Then approached the counter to ask her softly. "Hey, Stacy. Is the shop open yet? I'm thinking about replacing my skates." He pulled his worn skates from his backpack, setting them on the counter without thinking. Stacy snatched one of the skates, her eyes widening in horror. Sean winced as she looked over how dirty and worn down his skates were. Without looking up at him, she mumbled out sourly. "Jesus, Sean... You've been skating on these? If my father had seen you on these, he would have banned you for life! Our rented skates look better than these! What have you been skating on? Stagnate pond water?" Sean leaned over the counter to snatch his skate back from her, stating out defensively. "They've been in my garage a while... Chill. These have seen me through a lot."

Stacy folded her arms under her chest, telling him seriously. "Well, their time is over. There is no question about it. You need new skates. When was the last time you had those blades sharpened?" Sean looked over his skate trying to remember, but she held up a hand to stop him. Shaking her head, she waved him around to head for the little gear store they had. Sean sighed, walking around to the closed store gate. So, he had let his equipment take a little more abuse than normal... It wasn't entirely his fault. He had been laid up for a few months. Then after that... Well, he just didn't think about it. Stacy pulled up the gate from the inside, flicking on lights as she moved to the wall of skates. Trudging inside, he mumbled out anxiously. "Not to be rude... but how much is this overhaul going to cost me?"

Stacy strolled back from the wall to take his skate from him, then walked back to the wall with it. She glanced frequently between his worn skate and a few on the wall rack, all while answering in a distracted voice. "Well... Since you have a larger foot than a woman. Plus, the brand name you've been using... You're comfortable with this brand, right?" Sean was only able to nod, before she continued on. "You're looking at about... Two hundred and fifty dollars for the skates. That is with pre-sharpened blades." Sean let out a low whistle with a soft exhale. Stacy chuckled, pulling a set of skates off the wall rack as she told him bluntly. "A small price to pay. Do you think sports come cheap?" Sean smirked, moving to take a seat on one of the benches. Unlacing his sneakers, he retorted with a smile. "No... It's just something I've forgotten."

Stacy kneeled down at his feet to help him lace on the new skates. She pulled the laces tight, then looked up at him to say seriously. "Sean... Are you coming back?" Sean shrugged, refusing to confirm anything. Nothing was set in stone yet. She smiled at him warmly. Climbing to her feet, she then told him proudly. "Don't tell my dad... But I'll cut your cost... If you only buy your equipment from us." Sean rose up on the new skates, shaking his head as he told her grimly. "Stacy... Don't do that. Don't bet on me. I... I'm not the skater I once was." Stacy spun around to face him with an even brighter smile, replying sweetly. "I'll always bet on you. You bet on us once and it helped us build this place up from nothing. Others may have forgotten what you've done... but not me, Sean." Stacy walked up to him, taking his worn skates from him.

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