Part 55

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Mark eased behind Sean, rubbing the length of his arms as they watched the snowfall. The scenery was breathtaking but Sean's reaction made it more so. All his stressing out to make everything perfect for him. As much fun as he believed Sean was having, he still found himself asking in a timid voice. "Sean? Are you happy?" Sean took a sip of his champagne, turning his head after to answer with a gleaming smile. "Of course, I am. Why wouldn't I be?" Mark blushed a little guiltily, mumbling out in a whisper. "I just... I didn't know what your dream honeymoon was, and I feared this would suffer by comparison." Sean finished his glass and turned around to face him better. Mark couldn't meet his eyes. Instead, he focused on sliding his knuckles down Sean's arm. Sean tapped the underside of his chin to draw his eyes up to his, before answering with a warm voice. "Mark... I honestly would have been happy in the hotel room with a bottle of champagne and pizza delivery. All this is... your spoiling me."

Mark snorted, playfully mumbling out. "Oh, sure. Now you tell me... I thought you always told everyone you were an expensive date?" Sean leaned back against the edge of the pool, setting his glass down as he cooed out to him. "You watched my Youtube videos?" Mark shifted on his feet, honestly saying. "I missed you." A grin spread over Sean's face, causing his cheeks to turn a soft shade of pink. He was blushing again. Without looking at him, Sean openly told him in a relaxed voice. "Ya... Well, I only said that because I just didn't want to get hit on by my viewers. It was my way of politely turning them down... The truth is that I like things... simple." Mark shrugged, chuckling out innocently. "Well... for our honeymoon, I spoiled you a little. I wanted it to be something you'd remember." Sean moved closer to him, wrapping his arms around his neck as he purred out over his lips. "The only thing that makes this special... is you. Every imperfection and mistake... I'll take it all over perfection. Because your genuine in everything you do."

Mark wrapped his arms around Sean's waist, letting out a reluctant exhale. He didn't want to ask, but he had to know. Looking Sean in the eyes, he curiously stated out. "Hey Sean... When this season is over... You do know that I have to back to my job as a stripper... Right?" Sean lowered his eyes to Mark's chest, uttering out very softly. "Ya, I had a feeling. I may get jealous... but I trust you." Mark kissed Sean's forehead lovingly, whispering to him in a deep buttery voice. "I'll save the best for you." Sean giggled, snuggling into him. Mark held him close, stroking his back comfortingly. They watched the snowfall a bit longer, before Mark noticed Sean was starting to fall asleep on him. He must have been so tired. Mark shifted to get a better hold on him, causing Sean to jerk awake. Sean tried to hide it by splashing his face and chuckling out. "I think I've been in the hot water too long. I'm getting kind of dizzy." Mark nodded but saw through his lie. They both had barely slept.

Sean moved to the edge, leaning out more to let the cold outside air chill him. Sean was trying hard to stay awake. Swimming up to him, Mark came up with a way to get Sean to wind down. Kissing his chilled back, Mark purred to him lovingly. "Hey, Sean... Wanna go back to the room? Order some pizza and watch a movie?" Sean looked over his shoulder, his body starting to shiver as he told him meekly. "Mark, no... I want you to have some fun. You wanna play again?" Mark pulled Sean back into the warm water, hugging him against him, while whispering to him sweetly. "We can play back in the hotel room. Under warm sheets in a soft bed. I'll open the windows and we can watch the snowfall." Sean shook his head, but his eyes were closing. Mark hugged him a bit tighter to keep him from falling beneath the water. Against his temple, Mark added lovingly. "I am having fun. But I'm getting hungry... Besides, it will be easier to snuggle with you... when I'm not the only thing keeping you from drowning."

Sean jerked in his arms, his eyes opening as he rushed out. "What?! Mark, I'm not tired. It's just... I'm just..." Mark chuckled, pulling him to the other side of the pool. Helping Sean climb out first to sit on the edge, Mark hefted himself out quickly. He was tired but could still stay up a few more hours. Sean on the other hand... he looked ready to drop. Snatching a fluffy towel robe off the heating rack, Mark went back to Sean. Sean was hugging himself and shaking. Wrapping him in the warm robe, he helped him up and over to a heated bench. He wanted him far from the pool. Going back to get a towel, he managed to dry himself enough to just put his pants back on. Gathering up their clothes and stuff into the basket, he went back to get Sean and chuckled to himself. Sean was laying across the bench and snuggling deeper into his fluffy robe. His green hair was all he could even see of his head. Going to the door, he opened it wide and then came back for Sean.

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