Part 48

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Mark pulled Sean into a hug that nearly squeezed the life out of him. Patting Mark's back, he waited for him to release him. He wanted to be excited about it too... but he didn't feel like he had done it. Mark kneeled to help him with his skate guards, then escorted him over to the Kiss & Cry. Sean dropped onto the bench feeling exhausted. The two routines had really sapped his energy. Mark wrapped an arm around his shoulder, pulling him against him. Sean rested his head down on Mark's shoulder. He tried to stay awake, but Mark was so warm. Closing his eyes for a bit, he let himself try to sink into a small nap. Until the crowd cheered so loudly that Sean jerked his head up. Glancing at the score board with sleepy eyes, Sean smiled. He had managed to pass Nate only because of his 'Quadruple Axel.' His name shot up to first place, while the announcer told everyone excitedly. "There you have it! Our top three finalist are. Sean Mcloughlin. Rasputin Novak. And Nathan Sharp.

Mark kissed his temple, then leaned in to practically yell into his ear over the roaring crowd. "We'll go back to the hotel for you to rest. We can celebrate tomorrow." Sean nodded sleepily. He needed to lay down. Mark helped Sean, escorting him back to the locker room as the announcer proudly stated out. "Our three finalists will be moving on to the Championships in Russia. Thank you all for coming out and We'll see you again for the Olympics!" In the locker room, Mark helped him remove his make-up and got his clothes out for him. Just as Sean got up to change, an ISU security guard beckoned Mark outside. Sean's heart sank in his chest. What had happened? Mark moved closer to the guard, asking coolly. "Is something wrong?" The guard gestured outside the locker room, calmly uttering out. "I just wanna clear some things up with you. It won't take long." Mark shot a weary look in Sean's direction then stepped out. Sean swallowed hard and glanced around the cold locker room.

He was the only one here... that he knew of. All the other skaters had changed and left long before him. Moving to his bag, he removed his Harley crop top and froze. Staring at the bench, he clenched his jaw tightly. It was faint, but he could see someone standing in the corner of the room. Carefully putting the shirt in his bag, the familiar voice casually told him. "Relax. I'm not here to hurt you." Looking up, he had to blink to make sure he was really seeing this. Leaning against a far wall in the slightly dark locker room was a woman. Her knee high black heeled boots clicked against the cement floor as she stepped into the light. Sean couldn't help staring. He heard Rasputin's voice, but this person barely looked like him. She was wearing a short black skirt and a silky black turtleneck shirt with long sleeves. She was wearing subtle make-up that made her beautiful grey-blue eyes stand out. Her dark straight brown hair came down to her shoulders with hot pink highlights.

The hair looked so real and natural. If he had seen her on the street... he really would have mistaken him for a woman. Roslyn showed him his note between her fingers, before saying softly. "Got your message, but your place to met doesn't work for me. Quintin goes there to eat breakfast too." Sean cleared his throat, looking away toward the door. He felt suddenly nervous and awkward. Was he allowed to stare or was that demeaning? He didn't know how to address him... her? He was too tired to think of things to avoid offending her. He really didn't want to screw this up. Roslyn crumpled up the note and tossed it into the trashcan, telling him sweetly. "Don't worry about him. I paid the guard to distract him for a while." Sean jerked his head to lock worried eyes with her. Roslyn simply rolled hers and mumbled out softly. "You wanted to talk? Let's talk. But I'm not comfortable around your lover. He's aggressive... and he unsettles me." Sean relaxed only a little.

Roslyn seemed to be telling the truth. She wasn't carrying anything that could be used as a weapon and she was shifting from foot to foot. Then with a small smile, she chuckled out lightly. "The way I'm dressed doesn't shock you? How did you find out about me? My brother and Uncle are always so careful..." Sean lowered his eyes to the floor, answering nicely. "It's a long story. But it was your tattoo. You posted it on social media and... Well. I saw it in the hallway, and you didn't look like you did then." Sean nervously looked up to see Roslyn smile a bit grimly. Gracefully siting on a bench across from him, she mumbled out sadly. "Ya... He said that I'd be the one to get us caught." Sean sat on his bench to seem more casual as he said sweetly. "Don't be so hard on yourself." Roslyn crossed her legs, sarcastically shooting back. "Should you really be giving me encouragement? My brother and Uncle are trying to get you kicked, you know. I strongly debated if your invitation was a trap. Which is why I decided to do it here."

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