Part 23

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The hours ticked by as Sean raced around the rink trying to get the routine down. Mark followed him around the rink, doing the moves with him to help him stay in time with the music. Every time he screwed up, Mark reset the music and made him go through it again. For as much energy as he had, he was starting to run low after the sixth time of going through the routine. He'd get a bit farther every time, but the second half of the routine always got him to fuck up in some way. Sean tried to stay focused as he transitioned into the second half of the dance routine. His muscles were burning, and his legs were threatening to give. He fought through it as best he could to keep up with Mark. It pissed him off that Mark didn't look nearly as tired as he did. Sean went into the turn for his layback spin and cursed. He felt the mistake, before even entering the spin. His leading skate wobbled from exhaustion, nearly causing him to fall flat as he entered the spin. He tired to pretend like it hadn't happened.

Pushing himself to keep going, he lifted his leg to let it sway around him as he spun. However, his already tired leg couldn't take the added weight and his layback spun turned into a graceful looking fall. His back hit the ice as his legs swung up from under him and he was thankful that his hands had already been up to protect his head. Relaxing against the cold ice, Sean let himself pant loudly. The sound of scrapping ice drew closer to him, before Mark stood by him asking worried. "You alright?" Sean nodded, but he couldn't answer. He was breathless and was panting too hard. Mark took a deep breath to fight back his own panting as he told him seriously. "Let's take a break." Sean gave Mark a thumbs up, but didn't move. Mark chuckled, offering a hand for him to take to help him up. Sean didn't take it. Instead, he weakly mumbled out. "I'm good. The ice feels nice." Mark crouched down, putting a hand on Sean's chest, informing him sweetly. "You won't think so when you're sticking to it. Come on."

Sean let out a groan, reluctantly taking his hand. Mark pulled him up onto his feet, just as Stacy leaned against the rink wall, asking them with a smirk. "I hope you boys have been behaving while I was gone?" Mark stayed beside Sean as he led him off the ice, answering bluntly. "We're just tried. How did it go?" Stacy smirked, gesturing with her finger as her dad and another man hefted the birdcage down toward the ice. Stacy then drummed her nails on the rink wall, telling Mark coolly. "I bought it. Had it cleaned and my dad managed to put rubber cups on it. That way it doesn't move on the ice. I was going to have him test it... but I guess, I'll just do it myself. How did he do?" Sean huffed dryly, stiffly laying down across a bench as he mumbled out. "I'm sore all over." Stacy smirked, hopping up to sit on the rink wall. Mark took a seat on the bench across from Stacy, replying confidently. "He's got the majority of the routine down. My only concern is that he isn't really feeling it. He's still too... stiff."

Sean chuckled, draping an arm over his eyes and mumbling out. "I told you... I can't. I'm sore. You're lucky I'm even able to stand." Mark rolled his eyes even though Sean couldn't see him do it. Stacy smiled innocently at first, until his words sank in. Then she hopped off the wall, practically shouting out at them. "Wait, what?! When did you two have sex?!" A loud 'BANG' came from across the rink as her dad dinged the cage off a bench. Sean flinched, mumbling under his breath as his body tensed up. "Oh, shite..." Mark reached out to pat Sean's thigh, before telling Stacy playfully. "Last night. I don't want to brag... but it was very romantic. Lots of candles. Fine wine. He was an animal." Sean removed his arm off his face to swat Mark upside the head. Stacy chuckled to herself, saying much softer. "Ya, I'm sure... I don't believe that for a second. Sean is a lot of things... but an animal? Come on, Mark. You pushed that a bit." Mark shrugged with a smirk. Sean slowly sat up, growling out at the both of them. "What are you trying to say exactly?"

Mark glanced over at Sean with a sweet smile, answering casually. "We just mean that you're so innocent... Timid even. Like a virgin." Sean very slowly rose off the bench, glaring between them without a word. For a moment no one said anything. There was no tension or malice in their stares, but Sean felt slightly offended. Puffing himself up, he moved over to the ice as he muttered out. "Alright... Fine. You asked for it. You want me to make a fool of myself. Fine." Sean stepped back out onto the ice and Mark discreetly high fived Stacy. Together they both leaned on the rink wall to watch Sean, while Stacy nudged Mark's shoulder, whispering sweetly. "Feels just like old times, doesn't it?" Mark flashed her a broad grin, replying happily. "It does. No one can push him like we can." Sean moved to the CD player on the far wall to mess with the CDs feeling like he had lost his mind. Why was he so pumped to prove them wrong? Even with his muscles and joints aching, he felt a rush of adrenaline.

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