Part 67

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Sean moved to press his back to the locker to stretch better, asking Mark with a curt smile. "Did you bring your skates?" Mark folded up the last of Sean's clothes to put in his bag, answering without thinking about it. "Ya. I always bring my skates... It's a habit." Mark zipped up the bag, then jerked his head up to ask with sudden unease. "Wait. Why do ask?" Nate chuckled, grabbing a paper bag from his locker to drop on the bench. Mark stared at the bag with confusion, while Nate casually informed him. "Felix isn't here. We need a cop for Sean's opener... Tag you're it." Mark blinked blankly at the two of them, gawking out. "I can't! I haven't practiced that!" Nate rolled his eyes, sarcastically staying aloud. "What's to practice? You hide. Shoot up the place. Grab Sean. Sounds like you." Sean swatted Nate's arm, causing Nate to laugh and Sean to smirk. Mark sighed, shaking his head slightly. Stepping away from the locker, Sean dropped down on the bench behind Mark. Mark cleared his throat, telling them both grimly. "Have you two forgotten? I'm banned from the ice... If I go out there-"

Nate leaned his shoulder against a row of lockers, quickly cutting in confidently. "I already checked with the ISU. You are banned from preforming your own routine. Which you aren't. You are helping Sean sell his own routine. It's perfectly legal." When Mark still shook his head, Nate tossed his arms up, saying desperately. "Come on! The routine will feel off without the cop! You HAVE to do it! We worked the whole routine to fit that character!" Mark blinked a bit stunned. Sean gestured for Nate to calm down, then cupped Mark's shoulders. Leaning close to his ear, Sean whispered playfully to him. "Please, Mark. I wanna skate with you... And besides... You get to take me from Nate. Don't you want that?" Sean stroked Mark's chest to try coaxing him into the idea. Mark smirked to himself, saying coolly over his shoulder. "I don't know what to do..." Sean kissed his cheek, purring out. "Just be you and you'll be fine." Nate grinned, giving him a shrug as he told him. "You saw us practice with Felix. You know the cues. You can skate. You can lift Sean. And most importantly... You love him."

Mark shifted on the bench, rushing out. "What? Why is that an important detail? Felix didn't love-" Nate just as quickly cut Mark off to tell him bluntly. "I helped Sean improve the routine. It needed a stronger opening and finish... So, I give you-" Nate pushed the bag closer to Mark before finishing with a wicked smile. "The lovesick prison guard. You're welcome. I know. I'm a genius. Now get your ass dressed. I'm on in a few minutes." Mark glanced back at Sean who blushed and mumbled out sweetly. "You wanted me to seduce you. It's easier to do... if you're on the ice with me. We had to have the uniform adjusted for you and everything... Please Mark? Let's just have some old-fashioned fun?" A smile pulled at Mark's lips, when he told them softly. "I don't know what to say..." Nate rolled his eyes, telling him flatly. "Say you'll get dressed!" Mark rose off the bench, moving toward Nate with his arms out in a welcoming hug. Nate quickly backed up, chuckling out. "No! Don't! Don't do that! A simple thank you is enough!" Mark dashed for him and Nate bolted around the locker room.

When Mark captured Nate in a hug, he squeezed him and playfully chuckled out. "Sean! Quick hug him!" Sean jumped to his feet as Nate squealed out. "NO! You're ruining my image! AH!" Sean hugged him, then tickled him for fun, causing Nate to let out a high-pitched squeal before he fell into fits of laughter. Security rushed into the locker room and froze with confusion. Sean stopped touching Nate, trying to act innocent... but it was hard when it looked like they were reenacting a prison rape scene. Bursting out laughing, Mark quickly released Nate. Nate cleared his throat, adjusting his clothes as he mumbled out to the guards. "What? You never seen a grown man get grabbed in the locker before?" Security stood in stunned silence, until Nate blushed out with a warm smile. "We were just fucking around. We're cool." Security slowly backed out, making the awkward tension build. At least, until the three of them started to laugh. By the time security relaxed enough to leave, Nate slumped against a locker and chuckled out. "Oh boy... We are so mature."

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