Part 60

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Sean let out a heavy sigh, taking a sip of his warm drink. The warm drink was starting to settle his nerves. Turning around he gave his drink to Mark and pulled out his own skates. He needed to warm up and this was a chance he couldn't waste. Mark put a hand on his shoulder as he changed his shoes, telling him seriously. "Be careful. I'll give you an hour and then we'll pack it up. You have to be at the rink tomorrow morning." Jack nodded, giving him a kiss on his cheek before venturing out onto the ice. Mark helped him through the gate, then leaned on the rink wall to watch him better. Rasputin watched Sean with a hard look, but Stacy kept him mostly distracted. Mark drummed his fingers on Sean's cup, watching him do a few spins to loosen up. The citizens were starting to recognize them but kept their distance. Behind Mark, a familiar Russian man discreetly whispered over his shoulder. "Have a pleasant honeymoon, did you?" Without turning around, Mark answered dryly. "I did as a matter of fact. Why do you care?"

Quintin leaned against the wall beside him, trying to lock eyes with him as he continued to speak in a low voice. "I don't. But I did warn you what would happen if he didn't back out." Mark turned cold eyes on Quintin, uttering out darkly. "Would it kill you to prove your worth by your own skill?" Quintin huffed, chuckling out. "If I could rely on their skill certainly... but I can't. So, I'm not taking the chance. Now... name your price." Mark shook his head, looking away from him. Quintin inched closer, wrapping his fingers around his arm to squeeze it as he said sternly. "I'd reconsider." Mark clenched his jaw, before looking at him to sneer back. "I'm not afraid of you. And if you want to get to him, you're gonna have to go through me first. Asshole!" Quintin removed his hand, smirking devilishly. Mark clenched a fist, trying to restrain from punching him. Quintin licked his lips, replying neutrally. "Speaking of which... Would be a shame if you couldn't be there for him." Mark straightened up off the wall, growling out. "What are you up to now?!"

Quintin raised his hands innocently, cooing back. "I didn't have to do anything. You're the one getting violent toward me and my skater... Some may even say that his injuries are YOUR doing. And when the ISU checks him out tomorrow for the stunt you pulled in the airport. I wonder what they'll say to you." Mark's heart started to race wildly. He couldn't believe this. Quintin leaned in to whisper smugly. "When the ISU removes you for violence... I wonder. Who will be there for Sean? Who can you trust?" Mark lifted his chin, stating out firmly. "You wouldn't dare. Seeing those injuries would remove Rasputin from skating. You'd lose." Quintin lazily smirked at him, answering coolly. "True... But what happens if something happens to the competition and Rasputin makes a miraculous appearance to preform?" Mark raised a fist, snapping out. "You dirty cheating son of bitch!" Quintin raised a finger in response, informing him quickly. "I wouldn't if I was you. Here come the reporters. Enjoy the warm-up tomorrow, Mark."

The reporters rushed up to Quintin, asking him bluntly. "Quintin! How is your skater doing after the incident in Canada?! Is he well enough to skate tomorrow?! Will you press charges?!" Quintin gestured for them to stop talking over each other before answering casually. "We don't know the extent of the injuries and we won't until tomorrow. However, as you can see. Rasputin seems to be doing alright. He takes this sport very seriously." Quintin wedged himself through the crowd of reporters, refusing to say anything more. Leaving them to rush over to Mark. They asked him all kinds of questions about why he had punched Rasputin and about his wedding. Mark ignored most of the questions, until one of them stated out. "You ever considered putting your lover in a strippers on ice competition? Hey! You might be able to do a duet and get that attention you both are clearly craving." Mark slowly turned to face the man, glaring at the reporter for a second. Taking a deep breath to calm down, he casually told him with a smile. "Funny. Cause aren't you clearly chasing attention with these parasitic stories based on gossip?"

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