Part 28

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Stacy's dad calmed the crowd down, before announcing to the auditorium. "Wasn't that an amazing performance?" The crowd broke out into more cheers, calling out Sean's name with excitement. Mark hugged Sean's shoulders tightly to steady him. Sean looked like he was going to pass out from being so happy. Stacy's dad then told everyone seriously. "I'm sure you all have heard things about our next contestant..." Boos filled the stands, but Mark didn't pay them any mind. This wasn't about him. It was about showing them that Sean could still do this. Sean had proved it and he couldn't be more proud of him. Stay's dad hushed the crowd a bit sternly, informing them seriously. "Without Mark, Sean wouldn't be here tonight folks. Whatever you've heard... Just know this. No one else would coach our Sean. And as you saw, he still has a lot left in him! So, please can I have a round of applause for Sean's new coach? MARK FISCHBACH!" The crowd began to clap with renewed vigor and shouted Mark's praise.

Sean slipped from Mark's arms to join the clapping, making Mark blush. Before moving to the ice, Mark pulled Sean in by the back of his neck to kiss his cheek. The kiss was brief, but it gave him the desire to go on the ice. Mark stepped out onto the ice, when Sean rushed to the wall to shout over the cheers of the crowd. "Mark!" Mark spun around on the ice to face him, watching Sean smile as told him sweetly. "Have fun out there." Mark grinned back at him, telling him with a warm chuckle. "Don't take your eyes off me. You might learn something." Sean shook his head with a smirk that made Mark laugh. Spinning back around, Mark headed out across the ice to the center. Checking his hidden equipment to make sure they were all still attached, he waved up at the light man. The lights in stadium shut off, sending everything into darkness, until the small low lights around the rink wall turned on. The light man changed the low lights from white to a soft baby blue color and Mark gave him a thumbs up. The blue tone lights didn't blind him as much as the white ones and it set up a soft peaceful setting.

Once he felt ready, he took a knee on the ice. Bowing his head, he waited for them to cue the song. The second it started; he slowly rose to his feet. Keeping his head down, he leaned out to balance out his weight as he moved almost sideways across the ice. He kept his hands down and showed no emotion. The opening to his song was about feeling like he was coasting through life with nothing that made him stand out. To pull them into the performance, he had to feel the lyrics and time everything perfectly. He just hoped that his damn LEDs didn't fall off this time. Gaining enough speed, he leaned out to touch the ice with his fingers as he entered the turn. He wanted it to look like he was being pulling into a vortex against his will. Sinking carefully in the lowest Hydroblade that he could, he extended his free arm out toward his free leg. Gliding around the turn, he adjusted up to a crouching position. Lining himself up with the straightway in front of the crowd, he gracefully arched his back to go into a Cantilever. Mark kept himself calm, letting his body drift more toward the center again. Just as the music was starting to transition, Mark swung his leg out into a broken leg sit spin.

Hugging his arms around himself, he slid the knob on the small LED behind his shoulder. During the broken leg spin, the tiny gem like LEDs on the flames of the outfit began to flicker a soft gold. From the broken leg spin, Mark very slowly rose into a layback spin with his back arched enough to grab the blade of his free foot behind him. As the music picked up more, Mark pulled his leg up behind him into a one-handed Biellmann spin. The crowd cheered from the beauty of seeing the sparkling lights ripple through his spins like a sparkler. Releasing his leg as the beat dropped, Mark stopped himself and finally looked up at the crowd with a defiant look. It was hard not to smile, but important not to for the routine at the moment. He was showing the building blocks of his confidence in himself. Bringing a small flame to life. Dashing back out across the ice, Mark sank down into a brief kneeling position. Dragging his free leg, Mark swept his hand across the ice before holding it to his chest like he found something special to him. Showing a warm smile for the first time.

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