Part 17

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Sean walked just ahead of Mark. He thought about hanging back to walk beside him, but he just couldn't bring himself too. His eyes kept instinctively scanning the street for people that might have seen him on the news. He hated himself for doing it. It just bothered him. This little town had a high religious influence and almost everyone here knew him and his family. This wouldn't just affect him alone. This would reflect badly on his family. Sean made it to the last building before his apartment and stopped so shortly that Mark stumbled into him. Sean couldn't breathe. Mark put a hand on his shoulder, asking him curiously. "You alright?" Sean quickly turned around, grabbing the front of Mark's shirt desperately. Yanking him away from the sidewalk and into an alley, Sean whined out softly. "My parents are parked out front... Oh, god... I can't... Mark, what do I do? I'm a terrible liar! I can't face them right now!" Mark peeked around the building to look, then straightened up confidently to tell him. "I see them. You can't avoid them forever though..."

Sean shook his head, gripping Mark's shirt tighter as he told him shakily. "I know that... but I can't... Not right now. Mark, please! My da will eat me alive!" Mark patted Sean's hand comfortingly in the hopes of showing him to loosen his grip. His hand was twisting the collar of his shirt so much that he was starting to choke him out. After Sean untangled his hand with a nervous blush, Mark told him warmly. "Alright. Follow me." Mark removed his jacket and draped it over Sean. Flipping the hood up to hide Sean's green bangs, Mark pulled him into his arms and led him through the alley. Mark wrapped a tight arm around Sean's shoulders, keeping his head low as he led him back toward his hotel room. Sean kept his head against Mark's shoulder as they walked through the light rain that had started misting the area in a hazy fog. Mark walked casually, kissing his head every so often as an excuse to look around and see if they were being followed. By the time they slipped into the hotel, Sean's legs were soaked, and Mark was dripping wet.

Mark took him up to his room and slipped him in.  Hanging out in the hallway for a bit, before he stepped into the room to lock the door. Sean removed Mark's wet jacket, telling him shakily. "Were we followed?" Mark hung the jacket up, answering honestly. "I don't believe so. I think whoever the damn reporter is was waiting at your house with your parents. Probably hoping to get some pictures or a video of your dad grilling into you." Sean glanced around the room, mumbling out. "Makes sense... but why would you think that?" Mark grunted to himself, stating out dryly. "I saw a red car outside the studio before we left. I saw it follow us out at a distance in the rearview mirror... and I saw it parked in your neighbors parking spot. Since your neighbor drives a blue van... It seemed off to me." Sean blinked a bit startled as he turned to ask sheepishly. "You know what color my neighbor's car is?" Mark chuckled lightly with embarrassment, before mumbling out. "Yes... The guy was unloading groceries and I checked him out. Sue me. I've never seen a muscular red head with dark freckles like that. Anyway, that is beside the point!"

Sean rolled his eyes, grumbling out under his breath. "Sure... Did you notice he was married or was that beside the point too...?" Mark's wet shirt smacked him in the face as Mark stated out lightly. "Don't be such a bitch. I was only looking, you jellybean." Sean removed the wet shirt from off his shoulder, tossing it to the floor. As Sean's eyes rose to look at Mark, he found himself holding his breath. Mark's chest was glistening wet and highlighting his every muscular curve of his torso. Quickly averting his eyes, he told Mark in a shaky rushed mumble. "So... Where do you want me?" Mark let out a playful laugh, sliding a calming hand across the back of Sean's shoulders as he told him sweetly. "Go take a hot bath to relax. While I get the bed ready for you." Sean eyed Mark as he past by him toward the bed. If Mark meant that in a sexual way, he didn't show it. Taking a deep shaky breath, he headed for the bathroom, stating seriously over his shoulder. "Fine... but you better stay out."

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