Part 59

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Sean napped for as long as he could, until the plane began its decent. By then his heart was racing. He was here. He had made it to the championships once again. It was a rush and it was frightening. The plane docked and they met up with everyone from their crew... except Stacy. She had been the first one off the plane and they had lost her. Reporters and camera crews took pictures, asking about the fight at the Canadian airport. Sean avoided all questions and his crew muscled them away with the help of airport security. While waiting for their luggage, Mark went off to fetch him coffee. The crew gathered up their bags and upon grabbing one of Mark's bags, he spotted Stacy. Stacy was standing with Roslyn a short distance away. They were laughing with steaming coffee as they pulled luggage off. Rasputin sat on a bench by a wall, looking exhausted and a bit pale. Sean felt guilty watching him clutch his ribs where Mark had hit him. He hoped he hadn't gotten hurt too badly, but it appeared he was hurt enough that getting luggage was out of the question.

Sean moved slightly closer to listen in on Stacy and Roslyn. He hated snooping... but he just wanted to be sure that she was... ok? Stacy was in the middle of talking about her rink and how she loves to skate but could never qualify for sectionals. Roslyn patted her arm, comfortingly telling her. "At least you found a way to share your passion with others. I bet it feels good to see skaters on your rink." Stacy blushed, saying giddily. "Some of the little kids are adorable to watch. They try so hard. Some of the older skaters can be a bit... irritating. But I enjoy watching them. I'm a good teacher. I can do everything perfectly... I just don't have that one thing that makes me great. You know? But I'm proud to share what I know." Roslyn chuckled, playfully shooting back. "If I paid you, could you teach Rasputin how to land a fucking axel? I swear to god... He's so inconsistent. It drives me crazy." Stacy chuckled out with a bright smile. "I did notice that. He's not swinging his arms out enough on the landing to get his balance. I'm amazed he's able to stay upright with those shaky landings."

Roslyn's face fell a bit as she told her softly. "He's under a lot of pressure... For me, I rise to a challenge because I love the sport. You tell me I can't do it and I'll show you that I can. Rasputin... he never gives up... but he pushes too hard to force it. It's not fun for him... It's a... job. He's had dozens of coaches and he just frustrated them to death. They all tell him to relax and he just... doesn't know how." Stacy pulled a bag off the conveyer, asking with concern. "You think Quintin has a boot to his throat?" Roslyn huffed darkly, mumbling out. "That's a light way of putting it... The males in our family have always been strong Russian skaters. At least... until us. Quintin was happy when I was a skater as a... Well... Let's just say that I think this is my uncle's way of forcing Rasputin to be a skater like him. Since our parents died, Quintin has been obsessed with keeping up with family tradition. A gold medal in every generation... but after Rasputin's loss to Nate... It will be hard."

Stacy licked her lips, patting Roslyn's back as she asked her. "You know... I hear that Russia has the most beautiful outdoor rink... Maybe we could go together? I'd love to skate with another girl. I've never had a girl friend that loved skating as much as me." Roslyn glanced over at Rasputin, before grinning and said with an excited smile. "I'd love that. You wouldn't mind if Rasputin joined us though? He needs the practice and maybe you can help me motivate him into being graceful on the ice... and not stomping around like a damn ice miner." Stacy laughed, causing Roslyn to giggle. Sean collected the last of their bags and met up with Mark. Together, they all went to the hotel to check in. Finding out to their dismay that they were all on the same floor. Sean thought about turning in, but instead told Mark that he was going to check out the rink. Mark advised him against it, but Sean didn't listen. Grabbing his gym bag, he headed out which forced Mark to follow him. The rink was in the middle of a late-night hockey game, but Sean still went over to the high rail to look over the entire rink.

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