Chapter 10

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Devan's POV*

To: Adam

Hey! Sorry it's been crazy! Can I come over later!? :)

To:  Zayn Malik

Sure! You can call me if you want :)

 - She's like cold coffee in the morning-  (Cold Coffee - Ed Sheeran)

Started playing from my phone and turned into a ninja running to get it.


"Hey! Devan it's Zayn!" I heard him yell through the phone.

"Hey! What's up?"

"Nothing! I just wanted to say I'm sorry I know it wasn't your fault, I just had a lot on my mind and took it out on you."

"Don't worry about it" I said leaning back into my pillows on my bed 

"Thanks for not freaking out" He replied back you could tell he was relaxing a bit

"So is that it?" I asked when he wasn't talking anymore.

"" He said exhaling, you could tell he tensed up again.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. But what happened  was me and Perrie were friends and it was never intended to be anything more. Then managment found out that we hung out all the time and they thought us dating would be great publicity for Little Mix yanno. At first I wasn't sure but Perrie thought it was a good idea, and I used to have a crush on her so I said sure. It was okay at first but I feel bad  neither of us can see other people! And I couldn't just dump her out of the blue, so we stuck with it. Then I when we met you guys, and other girls it sucks knowing I couldn't be with someone else, but I wasn't going to cheat on Perrie she didn't deserve that even if it was fake. So i realized that the other day with you guys that I couldn't do this anymore."

"So what are you going to do?"

"Wait that's all you have to say?"

"Well Stephanie has been ranting for months about how your relationship was fake this isn't exactly big news to me." I laughed thinking about how what he said barely affected me.

"She knew? How? Well I guess that's not really important, but I'm going to talk to managment today about us splitting up. The other day I was on the phone with Perrie telling her I was going to tell managment I couln't do this. That it was my desicion and not hers."

" How did she feel about this?" I asked imagining what my reaction would have been if i was her.

"She understood, she was getting tired of this anyway."

"Well that's good, I hope it goes well today" I replied genuinally worried about what he was going to do.

"Thanks, I hope they understand I don't know what I'm going to do if they don't but this relationship can't last any longer. But anyway I gotta go if I'm going to tell them now is my only time"

"Okay! good luck! Let me know how it goes"

"I will! And promise me you won't tell anyone this, especially Steph, I'm trusting you."

"Of course, my lips are sealed I'll talk to you later"

"Thanks Dev, you're the best now I know why Harry likes you so much" -click-

Are they all delusional, why do they think Harry likes me so much? We're just friends

--Later that night--

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