Chapter 30

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Stephanie walked back inside and lay down on her couch.

“I’m going to work, I’ll see you later.” Her mom said as she ran out the door trying to not to be late again. Since it was only Stephanie and her Mom, sometimes it could be hard. Her Mom had two jobs and Stephanie babysat whenever she could.

“I’ll just be here.” Stephanie said out loud even though she knew she was the only one home.

“I thought you were just getting your phone?” Louis questioned as Zayn got back in the car slamming the door.

Zayn mumbled some things to himself before he finally realized Louis was talking to him.

“What did you say? And can you please start driving?” Zayn questioned and Louis could tell he was angry.

“Fine.” He said hitting the gas pedal.” But you are going to tell me what happened.”

It took Zayn a few minutes to find the right words to say but he finally told him everything. He told him about how Stephanie and Niall kissed, about how he reacted. He even told him the conversation that just happened between him and Stephanie.

“Why didn’t you tell me this?!” Louis questioned hurt that one of his best friends would keep something so big from him.

“It just all happened so quickly and I didn’t want you to feel like you had to choose between me and Niall. I love him; I just don’t like him right now.” His reasons were valid and he was just being honest. As much as he loved Niall and would do anything for him, he didn’t like him very much right now. But why would he? He just took away his girlfriend.

-Ring Ring-

Before Devan could even finish saying “Hello” as she picked up her ringing phone Stephanie was talking.

“Zayn just came over and I don’t even know what happened and I’m freaking out and I can’t” Stephanie said in one breath.

“Woah woah woah, tell me again an in English please.” Devan said barely understanding a word that she said.

She told her again what happened with Zayn. Every word he just told her and everything Niall said to her the night before and what Zayn said about Niall today.

“So what are you going to do?” Devan questioned now that she heard Steph’s side of the story.

“I have no fucking idea.” Stephanie said bluntly rubbing her forehead with her hand.

“Well what are you going to do on Saturday?” Devan asked her concerned, It was an important day for Niall and Zayn and they would both need their friends but when a group is being split who will go with who?

“I don’t know because yanno Zayn, but then I mean Niall.” Stephanie wasn’t even using fully formed sentences at this point she was so confused.

“Yeah.” Devan replied not knowing what to say, she didn’t know what she was going to do either.

“Babe I love you but please shut up.” Harry said as he rolled over in the bed putting a pillow over his head.

“Sorry.” She whispered and moved out into the hallway of the hotel.

“I have to see what’s going on with everybody else anyway. I mean does Liam even know what happened yet?” Devan raised her voice again not realizing where she was and that other people could hear her.

“I think Liam should know.” Liam said approaching Devan from down the hall. He was going to see if Niall was awake but he wasn’t opening his door. Of course he wasn’t he was probably having one of the worst hang over’s of his life but he didn’t know that.

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