Chapter 1

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It was just like any other day for Alice and Robin, Alice had gotten up early to go to work, which was at Tiana's newly brought bakery shop. Robin had gotten up slightly later as she was up late writing her book about grief, it was close to the anniversary of her fathers death, and she believed that writing a book about grief helped her with her own grieving process.

After lying in the bed a little while longer, Robin had got herself out of the cosy warm bed and made her way into the bath room to wash her face. Whilst drying her face she noticed a little box wrapped in green paper, finished of with a neatly tied bow what's in here she thought to herself as she picked the box up she also noticed a little note "have a good day robs, I love you to wonderland and back, this isn't the only surprise you'll be getting today, love always, Alice xx"  this made Robin smile she always did like surprising me Robin made her way back to the bedroom and sat on the end of the bed. She opened up the box and held her hand to her mouth, a ring and note was in the box, the note said "Will you marry me?" And on the other side it said "tell me when I get back later" Robin couldn't help but cry with happy tears she ran around the house screaming like an excited child "Ahhhhhhhh yes yes yes yes" screaming around the house in delight

Once Robin had finished running around the house she sat on the stairs and placed the ring on her engagement finger, she ran to the home phone and rang Tiana's work because she knew Alice would have her phone off.

Alice had just finished serving a customer when Tiana came to tell her Robin was on the phone, she rubbed her hands on her apron and made her way to the work phone "Hey robs, everything alright?" She tried to act normal like she hadn't left anything  at home just incase Robin hadn't quite found it.

Robin smiled at hearing Alice's voice "Everything is amazing Ali, I know it said on the note to wait until your home but I just couldn't wait until then, I just wanted to tell you.. Yes of course I want to marry you, I love you" She couldn't help but shed a few happy tears once again

Alice had a huge grin on her face and was silent for just a minute "I'm so happy that you've said yes robs, I want to spend the rest of my confusing life with you" she laughed a little "Robs I've got to get back to work but I've got another surprise for you later, so take time off of writing your book and look in the wardrobe in our spare room, it  may describe what I've got planned tonight, love you and see you later"

"Okay, this is exciting. Love you and see you later" Robin smiled and ended the call. Putting the home phone back on the stand on the table near the front door she ran up the stairs to the spare room, taking a deep breath she opened the Wardrobe there she saw a long emerald green dress and another note "I hope you cannot guess from this" Robin laughed she seriously has to make at least  one thing funny she silently though to herself. She hadn't heard from her mom in a while and decided that she would check on her to see if she was ok. Running down the stairs once again and rang her mom.

Zelena had just put the twins down for a nap when she heard the phone ring "hello?"

"It's Robin, I just wanted to know how you're doing?" She paused " also I need some advice,before Alice comes back, can you come over?"

"Robs, of course I can come over I'm your mom, bare with me a second" Zelena placed her hand over the phone "Chad! Can you look after the twins I need to go over to Robins for a bit"

Chad walked over to Zelena and placed his hands on her hips "of course.. Hey robs" he said to the phone and kissed his wife softly on lips

Zelena smiled "I'll be there in 2 minutes" she ended the call and grabbed chads hand before he walked off and put her arms around his neck "what did I ever do to deserve this kind of happiness" she kissed him back softly

"Everyone deserves a happy beginning, especially you, you've raised an amazing daughter who is now onto her own journeys and we have two clever, beautiful kids who love you very much! Now go to robs before she worries" he smiled and pulled his wife close to him so that their foreheads touched, kissing her teasingly on the neck "we will finish this later" he winked and kissed her once more on the lips

Zelena blushed at Chads speech, moving to get her keys she turned around and looked at her handsome husband "I love you Chad" and with that she left her house to get to Robins

Robin had to make sure that the house was clean and tidy before her mom came, making sure everything was the way Robin wanted it to be wow I have far to much time on my hands she thought to herself. Her hair was in a messy bun, she was in joggers and a baggy t-shirt and her fluffy socks. She heard the door bell ring, running to the door she smiled and opened the door running straight  to her mom and hugged her tight " I've missed you"

Zelena didn't have chance to get in the door before Robin hugged her tight "woah robs" she laughed "I've missed you too, can I come in though.. It's freezing out here" still laughing she made her way in and stared at how immaculate Robins house was "wow Robin.. You've really made this place your own!"

Robin smiled at her moms comments on her house "Thank you mom but I have tided quite a bit" she paused "the lounge is through there make yourself at home , I'll just make some tea and I'll be with you" Robin made her way to the kitchen. Whilst Robin was in the kitchen Zelena made her way into the lounge and looked at the photos which was hanging up on the walls, these were all the adventures Alice and Robin had been on, these two are really made to be with each other she thought to herself as she looked at these photos which made Zelena smile. Robin came back with a China pot full of tea, bowl of sugar and two cups, placing them on the table.

"Robs.. Was there something you needed to tell me urgently, something that couldn't have been said over the phone" Zelena sat down on a couch looking concerned.  "There sure was, Alice and me are now engaged" Robin couldn't help but smile, pouring out the tea "I mean it was like the weirdest way ever but still cute, she had to leave early for work but she put this box on a table in the bathroom so it was in my eye site and when i opened it up there was a note saying will you marry me and this ring" she cried happy tears "I'm still in shock but that wasn't the only surprise.. She told me to go look in the wardrobe in the spare room we made it so that the twins could stay over if you and Chad wanted a break" she smiled but carried on with her story "so I looked in the wardrobe and I found a beautiful emerald dress, do you know what Alice has planned for me.. Like has she said anything" Robin smiled looking slightly nervous.

Zelena sat down, sipping her tea and  listening patiently to what her daughter was saying she placed her hand on Robins knee "okay one, thank you for making that room for the twins, I'm sure myself and Chad would love a date night we'll text you when we need the twins to be looked after. And two, believe me Robin, I really don't know what she has planned for you" she smiled

Robin looked at her mom "seriously? You are such a bad liar at the best of times" Robin laughed nervously, "I just don't like too many surprises.. Especially if I don't know anything about it" Zelena smiled "you always was the one to need to know every fine detail wasn't you? Look Robs.. I do know what she has planned for you,but I'm not telling you sweetheart, you'll see later on, for now get ready, and do not think about it " She kissed her daughter on the forehead checking her watch "isn't Alice going to be home soon?"

Robin had lost track of time talking to her mom "Shit..yes.. Thank you mom, you've really helped calm me down, I guess I've got to start getting ready then" she smiled and stood up giving her mom the tightest hug making her way to the front door to open it for her mom "I love you and say hi to Chad and the twins for me" she watched as her mom left the apartment to go back home.

Robin had made her way back up stairs and sat in the spare room looking at emerald green dress, I love her.. But why am I so nervous especially as it's only a dress I feel like Alice has bigger news to tell me she thought to herself.

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