Chapter 4

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Walking hand in hand Robin and Alice had gotten to Zelena's house, Robin was the first at the door, she loved being independent and being grown up but she misses her mom being the next room to her. Knocking on the door she grabbed hold of Alice's hand again.

"Chad! Can you please get the twins ready.. I at least want them dressed before we go!" Zelena shouted down the hallway. Hearing the door she asked Chad once more "Chad are you getting them dressed? Robs is here with Alice" she sighed and went to the front door, opening it up she saw Alice and Robin hand in hand "well hello you two! Come in, chads just getting the twins..." She paused as she saw the hickey on robins neck raising her eyebrow "Robin.. What is that?" She pointed to Robins neck.

Robin went bright red "mom seriously.. Don't embarrass me like this.. You know what it is.. And you don't have to treat me like a little kid, I'm 24 years old seriously!" Robin rolled her eyes and walked off to find Chad and the twins.

"Robs.. I was" Zelena began to talk but Robin had already walked off "she takes things way to seriously" Zelena laughed and looked at Alice " how are you both doing?" She asked.

"We're doing great thank you. Robin cooked me breakfast today which was unusual because she's usually still in bed by time I have to get up.. She also asked me if I wanted to start our family, and gave me a few leaflets and obviously I would like to have children.. It's just hard to make a decision on which thing is best, so I told her we will talk about it in more detail another day" she smiled "How are you and Chad doing?"

Zelena tried to process all this information but decided not to ask any questions "Oh you know.. Chads being his lazy usual self and I'm doing amazing, the twins bring some youth back into my life" she laughed
Robin had got to where Chad was "Hey Chad.. What's happening?" She saw Chad really struggling with putting nappies on her twin siblings "here look" she took the nappy off of Chad and showed him step by step proving its not hard.

Chad laughed "Glad I have you to help robs, Zelena thinks I'm capable of everything so leaves me to do it, and gets angry when it's not done.. She so stubborn, but I guess that's why I fell in love her.."Chad smiled as he continued to get the twins ready.

Robyn laughed "my moms always been the stubborn one in the family.. Has to have everything her own way or hell breaks loose" she paused watching Chad struggling to dress both "How about I dress Lily-Rose and you dress Artie" she smiled and picked up Lily-Rose "is daddy doing a good job sweetie?" She asked her 1 year old sister, she knew she wouldn't answer her but she always spoke to Lily-Rose as if she would answer her.

Lily-Rose looked at her daddy and back at her big sister "No" she giggled.

Robin couldn't help but look at her sister shocked "when did my little Lily-Rose get so big!" Still in shock she gave her little sister the biggest hug, and got her dressed in white tights, green puffy dress, green head band and black shoes "well if my Lily-Rose is a big girl how about taking a few steps towards me by yourself" she smiled patiently as they got out of the room Chad and Artie was in and made there way to Alice and Zelena by themselves "come on sweetie I know you can do it"

Lily-Rose put her left foot in front of her and wobbled slightly, she placed her right foot in front of her and fell down and began to cry.

"Awww, don't cry beautiful, you did an amazing job of walking, and I'm really proud of you" she smiled lovingly at her sister, picked her up and made there way to Alice and Zelena.

Zelena was deep in conversation when she saw Robin coming towards them with Lily-Rose. "And how is my little monkey doing?" She asked tickling her gently.

"How did sh grow up so fast"  Robin paused still holding Lily-Rose "she just said no and walked towards me for a second" she made a fake upset face

Lily-Rose giggled showing her baby teeth "obin" she was trying to say her big sisters name "ice" she then pointed to Alice and wanted to be held by Alice

Robin smiled "close enough sweetie" and made sure Alice was ready to take Lily-Rose off of her "you ready ice?" Robin laughed

Alice smiled "of course I'm ready to take my little Wonder Rabbit" she gestured for Robin to pass Lily-Rose over, taking hold of Lily-Rose she scrunched her nose "I'm your favourite aren't I" Alice joked and touched Lily-Roses nose and made a beep noise. Making Lily-Rose laugh

Robin smiled admiringly at how good Alice was with children "you're a natural" she walked over to Alice and gave her a kiss and kissed Lily-Rose on the forehead.

A short while after Chad had come out with Artie "sorry it took me a while to button up his shirt, they both look so smart don't they?" Chad looked at Zelena and then Alice and Robin. "They sure do, anyway Chad, we are already late" Zelena smiled, grabbing her coat and keys she gave Lily-Rose and Artie a kiss "I'll see you both later, Robin if they get tired just put them upstairs in there room for a nap" with that Chad and Zelena left for there first date since the twins were born.

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