Chapter 18

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The midwife looked at the doctor nervously "DONT JUST STAND THERE MAYWEATHER SHES LOOSING A LOT OF BLOOD AND WE NEED TO STOP IT!!" The doctor screamed at the top of his voice.

Zelena heard this and this only made her panic more "what are they doing to my daughter!" She kept muttering to herself, Alice was holding her newborn son for comfort, if she held him she was holding Robyn 'he looks so much like her' she thought to herself as the little boy held onto her pinky finger.

The midwife managed to stop the bleeding and the doctor had put a cannula in her arm to do a blood transfusion, and an oxygen tube up Robyn's nose to help her breath, she was attached to heart monitor to show how her heart was holding up as well as a blood an oxygen rate machine. Robyn was stable but not out of the woods yet. Walking out of the room the doctor made his way to Zelena and Alice "she's stable, but she's not out of the woods yet, you can see her but she's still weak and unconscious " he placed a reassuring on the worried looking Zelena "it'll be alright we are going to be monitoring her constantly he smiled and walked away.

Slowly entering the room Zelena sighed 'how could a happy day end like this..' She sat down next to her pale looking daughter "I hope you can hear me munchkin.. But you gave us quite a scare, I thought by the screams of the doctor I.. I thought I was going to loose you and you know you're my pride and joy along with your siblings and now you have a handsome son of your own.. My grandson will not be growing up without his mother! So the point of this is to say don't you dare give me a scare like that again!" Zelena finished her touching but forceful speech, she held Robyn's cold motionless hand, "remember that song I always sang to you as a child, it went like this"

I,I have know love before
I thought it would no more
Take on a new direction
Still strange as it seems to be
It's truly new to me
That affection

I I don't know what you do
You make me think that you
Will change my life forever
I I'll always want you near
Give up on you my dear
I will never

You thrill me you excite me
You please me you delight me
Your all I've been yearning for
I love you I adore you
I lay my life before you
I only want you more and more

And finally it seems my lonely days are through
I've been waiting for you.

"That was beautiful Zelena!" Alice exclaimed "I knew she got her voice from someone!" She smiled as she sat down with the baby still in her arms "is is she okay?" Alice turned her attention to her wife.

"Yeah she will be, she just lost a lot of blood, so she'll be under observation for the next couple of hours" Zelena smiled "and thank you, I always sang to robs when she was unsettled or whenever she cried about her farther" Zelena sighed "how's my grandson?" Zelena changed the subject.

Alice smiled "he's doing good, here hold him, my arms going dead" she laughed slightly as she walked over to Zelena's side handing the precious little boy over to Zelena seeing an instant smile form onto the redhead's face "he's is so precious!"
Some time had passed when Robyn woke up groaning " my son is my son okay" she asked instantly.

"Yes robs he's fine I promise!" Alice replied Zelena had fallen asleep on the chair and the baby boy was asleep in the hospital cot by Robyn's bed.

"Ali!" Robyn smiled weakly "can can I hold him.. And can we decide his name?" Robyn asked.

"Of course you can hold him rob and yes we should decide his name, I think calling him baby is growing tiresome" Alice smiled as she picked the baby up and handed him to Robyn "so are we going with the name we chose for him?" Alice smiled she'd fallen in love with the name as soon as she heard it come out of Robyn's voice.

Robyn loved holding the child her child, her son,their family "Yes.. That name will defiantly fit our son perfectly" she looked Alice in the eyes, Alice moved closer to her son and wife an leaned to kiss him on the forehead and Robyn softly on the lips "so Elijah James Hood it is then!" Kissing Robyn once more she stood back looking at the family she had and the family she'd just begun smiling contently at life.

Life is an adventure with youTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon