Chapter 17

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Zelena had stayed awake,allowing Alice to fall asleep next to Robyn, sipping at her coffee she felt her phone buzzing, she knew this was someone calling. It was Chad.

Zelena: Hey babe, everything okay at home?

Chad: everything is fine, Lily and Artie were slightly sad you wasn't here when they woke up but I explained that there big sister was going to be having a baby and that she needed mummy there, how's rob doing?

Zelena: she's asleep at the moment, she can't push yet baby isn't ready to come, but I'll let you kno- Zelena was cut of by an ear screeching scream "MOM!" Robyn screamed.

Zelena: okay Chad babe, I really have to go but I'll let you know updates! Tell my little munchkins I love them very much and I'll be back as soon as I can! I love you. Zelena ended the call and ran over to Robyn "what is it sweetie? Is it your contractions?" Zelena asked as calmly as she could. All Robyn could do was nod, Zelena, walked to the other side of Robyn's bed and pressed the button.

Shortly after Robyn's midwife came in through Robyn's most painful contraction yet, sweat lining her eyebrows "can I please push now" she was practically begging the midwife. "Okay Mrs Hood, let me just check how dilated you are!" The midwife did the checks and looked at Robyn smiling "you can indeed push now Mrs Hood" Robyn sighed in relief "okay, when your next contraction comes on you have to push as hard as you can" the midwife put her scrubs on and stayed at the bottom of bed, Robyn grabbed her moms hand tightly as another contraction came Alice held onto Robyn's hand for extra support. "Okay Mrs Hood push as hard as you can and in between I need you to pant" Robyn nodded as the contraction got to its highest pain score it had been "AHHHHHH" she screamed as She pushed as hard as she could panting in between there was no time or space between the contraction before another came and the urge to push overtook Robyn's senses, she squeezed her moms hand really hard, Zelena had to mask the pain she felt from how hard Robyn was squeezing on her hand. "I'm tired.. I can't do this anymore" Robyn whimpered.

Zelena knew how she felt "you can do this sweetie, your little boy is almost here you've just got to get through these contractions, I promise you it's all worth it!" Zelena rubbed the back of Robyn's hand in comfort and Robyn smiled another contraction surged it's way through her body "THIS HURTS LIKE A BITCH!! AHHHHHH" Robyn had tears falling down her eyes now.

"Okay Mrs Hood, One more push and you'll be crowning!" The midwife smiled, Robyn looked confused "oh sorry the head will be out it won't be long until you can hold your little boy in your arms" Robyn sighed in relief.
An hour later and Robyn was still pushing the exhaustion showing on her face. "Okay Mrs Hood one last big push for me" Robyn cried in pain. Pushing one last time, the next sound she heard was that of her baby boy crying, she turned to look at Alice and smiled "we have our boy here finally"Alice replied to the smile Robyn gave, just managing to smile back at her again Robyn hunched over in pain "ahhh it's hurting" she whispered before passing out.

"Robs.. Robyn! What the hell is happening?" Zelena looked at the midwife who'd just finished checking over the baby, she placed the fragile little boy in the hospital cot and wheeled him over to where Alice was and checked Robyn. "Her temp is unusually high, her blood pressure has dro.." The midwife checked the sheets "okay she's  haemorrhaging I need to get the doctor in here urgently, can you wait In the waiting room please!" The midwife instructed before she ran to get the doctor. Zelena and Alice looked at each other in a worried state "we better do as the midwife says she knows best" Zelena said in a less than calm tone, taking her new grandson with her. 

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