Chapter 15

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Barely making it through the door Robyn grabbed her phone and called her mom.

Robyn: MOM!! I HAVE SOME AMAZING NEWS!!! Robyn practically shouted down the phone as soon as her mother picked up.

Zelena: woah robs! *giggles slightly* give me two minutes I'll call you back just putting Lily-Rose and Artie down for a nap, love you sweetie! Robyn was going to answer back but the phone line went dead, she decided to keep the phone in her hand and take her coat and shoes off, feeling slightly out of breath she slowly made her way to living room "Robs would you like a green tea?" Alice called from the kitchen.

"Yes please Ali, that'll be great! Need my brain to calm down" Robyn replied with a slight laugh and Alice returned that laugh. Robyn's house phone began to ring and she wasted no time in picking it up.


Zelena: yes sweetie it's me.. I've put Lily-Rose and Artie to sleep and now I'm all yours, sooo... What's the news you're dying to tell me?

Robyn: well I went for a scan today.. And it's the scan that tells you what gender the baby is..

Zelena: OOOOOMMMMGGGGG!! Did you find out the gender of the baby? Or did you want it to be a secret? If you've found out the gender.. What's the gender of the baby.. Not that it's bothers me if i have a grandson or granddaughter I just really want to know!!

Robyn chuckled to herself slightly.

Robyn: woah calm down mom! You sound more excited than did! Yes I did find out the gender of the baby, I could not to on not knowing my child's name now I know the gender I know the child's name.. Alice and I picked it out a while back! Anyway side tracked.. Well you're going to have...Robyn paused for a while before revealing the gender a grandson mom! I'm honestly over the moon I cannot believe we've been blessed with a son Robyn couldn't help but smile at the thought.


Robyn: woah mom can't I tell them both.. It's my news!.. Actually don't worry you can tell them I need to relax slightly had a bit to much excitement *laughs* I need to sleep *yawns*"

Zelena: Okay I'll tell Emma and Gina later, you go have a nap and I'll text you later sweetie! I'm really proud of you, and so is Chad! I love you my munchkin.

Robyn: I love you too mom, if I remember I'll defiantly text you, you know baby brain has seriously set in now I'm forgetting a lot of stuff *laughs* anyway I love you, Chad, Lily-Rose and Artie. This time Robyn ended the call just as Alice came in with the green tea. Alice placed it on the table looked Robyn in the eye "I'm proud of you Robs, I'm proud of this family that is just starting! And I'm proud to call you my wife!i love you" She ended the proud speech with a passionate kiss, once she broke free from the kiss Robyn was able to answer "I love you too!" Still cupping Alice face in her hands there foreheads touching "but I really should drink that tea otherwise it'll get cold, and I really need a nap" Robyn chuckled, Alice returned the chuckle.

After a long time snuggled up to each other drinking there tea  and watching TV, Robyn had fallen asleep peacefully in Alice's arms.

A/N: Hello my lovelies! I'm back, and yes this is a reasonably short chapter but that's because I wanted to finish off in a cute way, but also let you know that I'm still updating this book maybe not as often but I'm doing my best, also to say thank you for the reads on this book! I've done my best to do this book some justice, I'm now going to be taking it at a slower pace so that I can end it in a super cute way! (35 more chapters to go) I've already written the last chapter in my notes on my phone (is that bad?😂) so if all goes to plan the last chapter will leave you feeling warmer inside than a radiator warming a house! 😂😂 anyway I love you all and I hope you all had a really good Christmas and New Year! 💚💙

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