Chapter 5

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Robin had put Lily-Rose and Artie down in there play pen in the lounge so that she could make some breakfast for them both, as she walked into the kitchen her hand was grabbed from behind it felt like a cold lifeless hand, when she turned around nothing was there it must be Alice playing a joke shrugging it off and laughing she carried on into the kitchen.

Alice was in the lounge with the two twins,playing peek'a'boo with them when she had noticed a figure standing in the door way, she couldn't really make out who it was because when she blinked the figure was gone, assuming it was Robin she continued to play with the twins.

"Alice.. Stop moving the stuff please I'm trying to get the kids breakfast ready and I cannot do that if you're moving the stuff around!" Robin shouted from the kitchen in frustration

"It's not Alice.." A voice said, robin knew that voice, a voice be heard as a baby, but never heard from again "it was me, my little girl isn't a little girl anymore" the voice continued.

Robin was frozen unable to move, she heard Alice shout back but didn't bother replying, turning around she saw her father "Dad?" Robin still felt scared but was so happy to see him.

"Yes, sweetheart it's me! I see you have a a beautiful fiancé, and that Zelena has now found her happy beginning, has a husband and two more children, how does it feel to have siblings?" Male Robin asked

"Yes, mother has found her happy beginning, she's always been the strongest in the family, it feels brilliant to be a sister just I'd have preferred it when I was a child but.. Can't change the past.. Otherwise you'd still be here if it was up to me" Robin hung her head down, she'd survived so long without her father, but now he's here she wants him to stay

Male Robin looked at his daughter so fragile about the situation still "I'll always be here, and you know Regina always told you I'd still be here for you when you was a child! Robs I love you, you're my first and last daughter and nothing will change that. I must go now, but you must remember how proud I am of you and please start your own family be the strong independent woman I know you are.." his voice fading more an more until he was gone.

"Don't leave me again dad.." Robin was already late her father had already gone, she stood staring at where her father was, tears began to form in her eyes "I love you" she mumbled, hardly noticing Alice walking in "Robs..Robin.. ROBIN!!" Alice shouted to get robins attention back

"Huh.. Oh sorry Ali, I umm I got distracted, I'll do there breakfast now" Robin whipped away her tears and proceeded to make the twins breakfast "could you please get the table ready for them both, there breakfast is ready" walking into the lounge she saw Alice sat on the sofa an the twins sat on there table, giving the breakfast to the twins she sat next to Alice "I saw my dad.."

Alice looked at Robin "you what? can't have seen him robs, he died almost 24 years ago.." Alice thought that because it's close to the 24th anniversary since her fathers death that maybe he was hallucinating.

"Alice I know I saw him.. I'm not hallucinating if that's what you think.." She sighed "if you don't believe me then fine, we won't discuss this any longer" Robin stood up "I'm going to be upstairs if you need me.." With that Robin left the room and went upstairs, walking into her moms room and going to where her mom kept the albums she picked out an album of pictures with Robin with her father stroking the cover she sighed "I love you dad.. More than anything.. I wish you was still alive.. I wish.. Oh it doesn't matter what I wish.. Nothing will bring you back" Robin held the album close to her chest and burst into tears.
A short while later the twins had begun to get restless so Alice decided she would take them up to there rooms for a nap, leaving there room she heard sobs coming Zelena's and chads room I'm sorry robs I should never had questioned you.. Alice thought to herself, knocking on the door she awaited robins answer.

Robin heard the door knock whipping her tears "come in" she sobbed still holding the album close to her chest she was led down on her moms bed. Alice walked in as soon as Robin allowed her too, when she entered she saw Robin led on the bed "Robs I'm.. Im really sorry I didn't believe you.. I know you'd never lie to me, I know you're telling the truth." Alice walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down "what did he say to you?" She asked Robin

"He just told me what I needed to hear Alice, that he accepted out relationship, that he's proud of me and my mom.. And he's happy for the both of us" she sat herself up and moved to where Alice sat, letting go of the album she held Alice's hand and looked at her.

Alice looked at robins glistening eyes from where she had been crying "I'm happy he accepts" she placed her free hand on robins cheek whipping away the remaining tears and placing her forehead on hers "I love you Robin, and nothing will change that! I'm sorry I ever doubted you" she smiled sadly

Robin smiled kissing Alice softly on the lips "it's fine Alice I'd have doubted me too, I mean it did sound pretty crazy" she laughed a little" kissing her once more for longer this time "are the twins okay?" She said as she stood up to put the album away.

"They're both okay, they're having a nap as they got a bit restless after they had there breakfast and played in the play pen for a bit i will go and check on them both now" Alice smiled

"Don't worry, I'll go and check on them both" Robin walked out of the room to check both the twins Alice followed behind her even though Robin said she'd check on them. Getting into there room Robin stopped to admire how sweet her little siblings looked, Alice hugged Robin from behind looking at how peaceful the twins looked "we'll be parents soon.. I promise you" she rested her chin on robins shoulder.

Robin turned around and took Alice's hand "we don't need to rush life Ali, I'm just happy to be spending every moment with you" she smiled and kissed Alice on the lips just as she did Lily-Rose woke up and shortly after Artie also woke up "Better get these two downstairs, we could go for a walk, take them to the park,what do you think?" She asked Alice

"I think that sounds like a lovely plan" she smiled as she picked up Artie and moved to the door way. Robin picked Lily-Rose and they both made there way downstairs to get the twins ready for the walk to the park.
Robin had grabbed the double pushchair and got it outside ready making sure the breaks were on she went back inside to get Lily-Rose strapped into the pushchair, shortly followed by Artie "Alice can you grab my jacket please, I always leave a jacket here because I'm awful at remembering one" she laughed

Alice grabbed the spare keys, robins jacket and her own jacket closing the door behind her "here you go, right are we ready? Have we got everything?" Alice had to double check before locking the door an leaving.

"Yes we have everything" She took the jacket off of Alice and put it on double checking that the twins were wrapped up nice and warmly "okay we defiantly have everything" Robin said once more.

Alice smiled and locked the door, taking Robins hand the pushchair they made there way to the park.

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