Chapter 7

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Robyn, Alice,Lily-Rose and Artie had been playing in the lounge when Zelena and Chad came back "Hey mom" Robyn stood up and walked over to her mom and gave her a huge hug and then gave Chad an equally huge hug "woah Robyn, what you creeping for now?" Zelena laughed "thank you for looking after my little monkeys for me, hope they wasn't too much trouble" she smiled as she walked into the lounge an picked Lily-Rose up. "No they were angels all day, they're pretty tired, had a very busy day at the park, Lily-Rose walked to me" Robyn smiled at her little sister "she's quite the clever clogs" Alice added.

"I'll just get these two ready for bed I'll be back down in a bit" Chad interrupted as he held Artie and took Lily-Rose off of Zelena giving her a quick kiss. "Sooo have you two thought about wedding plans or even better.. Children?" Zelena asked hopeful.

Alice couldn't help but laugh "you're more excited than we are" she paused "we haven't thought about wedding plans but we have thought about starting a family yes" she added, Robyn continued "we spoke about it at the park, Archie came and spoke to me reminding me about the counselling session I'm having in two days it made me slightly moody, but looking at how cute lily and Artie are just made me feel so much happier, whilst walking I stopped and asked Alice about IVF treatment and she said yes" she rested her head on Alice "so I'm making an appointment with the IVF doctor and see where it goes from there" she smiled and looked at Alice in the eyes lovingly.

Zelena had tears in her eyes "My baby girl is all grown up" she walked over to both Alice and Robyn and gave them both a big hug "Look at me getting all emotional" she wipes her tears away "now I must go and see how Chad is doing?" She let go of them both and was just about to go upstairs when Robyn stopped her. "Mom.. Chad is more than capable you know.. He can do this, just sit down and chill out for a while, chads a good guy" Robyn smiled at her mom "anyway myself and Ali better get going, we've got a date night too" she winked and kissed her mom on the cheek before grabbing her jacket and moving to the front door.

Alice laughed at how eager Robyn was to leave her moms house "okay.. Slow down robs" she hugged Zelena and smiled "you're kids are the sweetest little munchkins ever, thank you for allowing me to look after them along with Robs" she hugged Zelena once more and walked to the door. Zelena smiled and made her way to the front door too "it's my pleasure Alice, you're amazing with the kids and I wouldn't have it any other way, so really I should be saying thank you" Zelena laughed and opened the front door to let them both out "come over whenever, you're always welcome here Ali, you've made a huge difference to my not so little Robyn's life". Robyn rolled her eyes at this "you know I don't like you saying things like that", Zelena looked at her daughter so grown up and independent "I know that's why I say it" she laughed wickedly and then blew a kiss to them both and closed the door quietly.

Alice laughed at Zelena's remark, "she is always the one who has to get one back isn't she?" Taking Robyn's hand and moving herself closer to Robyn "she sure is, where do think I got it from?" Robyn laughed and embraced the warmth of Alice's body "I love you" she kissed Alice softly "I love you too Robs" Alice kissed Robyn back softly "now let's get home and get ready for our date night" still holding Robyn's hand she moved towards the road they needed to be on to get home.

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