Chapter 19

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"Oh come on doctor, I'm doing fine any you can see I'm doing fine so why can't I go home?" Robyn sighed in frustration.

"Mrs Hood we've explained this several times, you lost a lot of blood, we have to ensure that your 100% fine and the regular test suggest your not okay but your getting there slowly so until we see you get to a point where nothing serious could happen we'll allow you to go home.. Okay?" The doctor explained with a frustrated tone, the new mom had grown tiresome of being in the same boring uncomfortable bed.

"Okay.. But can I please move about.. If you'd know who I was you'd know I'm not the sit down doing nothing type!" She'd put on her best puppy dog eyes.

The doctor sighed but smiled at the determination of the young woman "okay okay.. I'll take you off of bed observation you can move about." He chuckled to himself before leaving.

Robyn walked over to Elijah's hospital cot "Hey there little fella! Mommy's finally allow to walk to your cot instead of waiting for your other mommy to get here" she held his tiny hand stroking it softly. The love she felt for him filled the hole that was planted there when she knew her father was killed "I so wish you could have met your grandpa! He'd have loved you, taught you all the rules of the woods! But you have another amazing grandpa, who loves you very much!" She whispered before kissing his soft cheek "I love you Elijah, I love you so so much".

"Robs.. You're not allowed out of the bed what are you doing!" Zelena whispered quietly but with enough force to tell Robyn to get back into bed. "Mom, the doctors allowed me to get out of bed, I'm not allowed home yet but I can get out of bed" Robyn smiled as she turned round to see not only Zelena but Regina,Emma,Chad and her siblings,Hope and Henry. This made Robyn smile "Hey guys" she walked over slowly to give them all a hug, "mom would it be okay if you could watch Eli for me.. While I have a well needed long shower" she smiled "of course sweetie, my grandson is a delight to watch over" Zelena replied as she sat down in her usual seat looking at her peacefully sleeping grandson.
Robyn eventually got out of the shower, getting herself dry and putting on some reasonable normal baggy clothes and placed her hair into a messy bun, walking out of the shower cubical, she brushed her teeth and moisturised her face. Walking out of the bathroom she was greeted by smiling faces from all of her family who were staring at Elijah.Robyn stood there silently watching the scenes that were unfolding in the room, lily-rose and Artie were running around the room wasting energy,Chad was trying to keep up with them, Zelena was deep in conversation with Regina whilst Elijah held onto her pinky finger. Henry,Hope and Emma were smiling and laughing, she was soon pulled out of her trance by Elijah crying "ohh baby,momma's  coming" walking swiftly to her crying son, she soon knew the source of his crying "he's hungry, mom there's some bottled milk for him in the fridge, could you get it for me please" picking her son up she sat down on the comfiest seat "shhh sweetie it's coming shhhh" she hummed to calm the crying boy down.

Zelena passed the milk to Robyn and instantly the boy latched onto the bottle "so how have you guys been?" Robyn broke the silence, Regina was first to answer.

"I've been good robs, it's been a pretty stressful couple of days as mayor but I've been good, was very excited to see Elijah" Regina smiled at her grown niece. Robyn smiled "that's good to hear! And I think little Eli here was excited to see his great aunt too" Robyn laughed but was shot an evil stern look by Regina.

Chad smiled "I've been good too, I mean it's been pretty stressful looking after these bundles of energy,and I've been knackered most days but hearing that I'm now a grandad gave me a huge energy boost! He looks just like you robs! Well done I'm really proud of you" Chad brushed a tear away,he'd grown soft since living here in storybrooke, but he shows how proud he is of his family. Robyn couldn't help but return that huge smile "aww chaddy! You're too cute. And they take after me" Robyn winked "I had a huge amount of energy, take them out into the woods they'd love it!" Robyn continued before taking the bottle out of Eli's mouth to burp him slowly moving him to an upright position so that his chin rested on her shoulder she rubbed his back soothingly.

"Mom.. Where's ali? She's suppose to be here by now" Robyn asked slightly concerned for her wife. "I would not have a clue sweetie, maybe she's still asleep,she was quite tired" Zelena just finished her sentence when Alice came through the door "sorry.. I was really busy cleaning the house and building the cot for Elijah!" Alice rushed over to Robyn's side and kissed her softly "how's he doing?" Alice continued.

Robyn stared at Alice in amazement "you did all that! I truly do not deserve you tower girl!" Robyn returned the kiss but a little more passionately "uhum you do have young people in the room Robyn" Emma broke the kiss up and laughed "save it for when we're gone" she continued. "Sorry em! And he's doing just fine Ali, as yo-" Robyn had a sudden rush of sickness "Ali take Elijah off of me please.. I need to go to the bathroom" she said against the struggle to vomit,once Alice took Elijah off of Robyn,Robyn ran to the toilet and hunched herself over it.

Zelena looked up in worry, she entered the toilet "is everything okay sweetheart?" She tried to mask the worry in her voice. "I really don't know mom.. I don't feel right.." Robyn said through her attempts to throw up. "Do you want me to get your doctor? I think you should get back into bed, you need to rest munchkin!" Zelena kept asking questions, questions Robyn couldn't process.

"I'll be alright mom.. You go back to the others I'll be out in a couple of minutes" Robyn huffed, and watched Zelena leave the room to sit with the others.
Regina looked at Zelena worry clear in her eyes "I'll go see if robs is okay" Regina broke the silence getting herself up and making her way to the bathroom.

"Robs, it's Regina, can I come in?" Regina awaited a reply, but did not get one "robs?" She heard a slight groan of pain before a loud crash, Regina ran into the bathroom to see Robyn collapsed on the floor "ROBS!!" Regina screamed "ZELENA PRESS THE PANIC BUTTON!!" She continued before lifting Robyn up and running into the room placing her on the bed "robs stay with us!" Regina held onto Robyn's hand.

The doctor rushed into the room "what happened?" He remained calm.

"Umm she was feeding Elijah, and talking to us but then suddenly felt unwell, I walked in to her throwing up but then she said she'd be fine" Zelena paused "that's all I know the next minute I hear Regina screaming for me to press the panic button and she's like this"  she gestured toward Robyn who was still unconscious.

"Okay I will need you all to leave now, visiting time is almost over but I promise you I will update you all! I believe it may be that she didn't use her chance to bed rest" the doctor suggested smiling.

"Umm.. Could I please stay here with Robyn.. I'm her wife after all and Elijah needs me" Alice asked kindly.

The doctor sighed "of course you can stay but I will need space, just run some routine tests" he smiled and said goodbye to everyone else who were leaving.

Alice sat down next to Elijah's cot stroking his little hair that he had "your mommy's love you very very much! And we cannot wait to show you our home,and your room, I've set your cot up and mommy's got a big surprise when we get home" Alice smiled, she leaned over and kissed him softly.

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