Chapter 24

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Alice sat in the waiting room, going through all the possible outcomes of today, she thought of who could be responsible, each outcome ignited the fire lighting inside her higher.

"Alice??" An unfamiliar voice bellowed.

Alice was pulled from her thoughts and looked at the woman with an interesting style for clothes "yes.. That's me what do you want?" She said rather abruptly.

"Oh seriously darling.. You'd have thought after a lifetime of being dead, at least someone would know me.." Cruella rolled her eyes  frustrated "I couldn't care less if you didn't know me.. But I on the other hand know you.." She continued.

Alice sat herself down, confused on what today has brought her, what today has taken off of her, and now this strange woman who seems to know Alice but she did not know her. "I'm sorry but you need to answer MY question! Who are you?" Alice said sternly.

"Woah calm down.. No need to get so hostile, I know who has your child.. And I need you to work with me, if you don't your child dies.. If you do you help me then you can have your child back" Cruella didn't wait for an answer "and what better way than to take your heart that way I know you'll comply" she laughed evilly lunging forward to take the young blondes heart.

Alice dodged cruella grabbing for her heart "I wouldn't do that if I was you" she raised her eyebrow as she watched the woman get herself back up "I'm not the Alice you think I am.. I am not easily controlled and when I am controlled well let's say it doesn't turn out to good for the one controlling me" smirking.
Zelena had fallen asleep next to her ill daughter, whilst she had been in a long sleep she dreamt about Elijah, and dreamt of a man she once saw before but did not seem it possible that he could still be alive, tossing and turning she eventually fell off the chair "fuck sake" she mumbled as she got herself back onto the seat and looked at her daughter, who seemed to look more pale than she did before "Nurse!! Can you please check her over... She doesn't seem right" she called out.

A nurse ran over and asked Zelena to leave the room and she complied, walking out onto the bench outside the room she noticed that Alice wasn't here 'how strange.. Alice is always where Robyn is.. I guess she's helping Emma and David out' Zelena sighed, placing her hands onto her face she let her emotions overcome her, sobbing about how it could have been her past that has caused this to happen to her child and grandchild 'I'm such a villain.. And villains don't get happy endings! Pathetic me for thinking I was allowed to be happy' this evidently made her sob more. Until she felt a pair of familiar hands engulf her into a hug.

"Hey z it's going to be okay I promise you! We're all doing what we can to help" Regina comforted her sister.

"Gina... What if it's my past that's caused this to happen! What if my past is telling me I am a villain and reminding me that no villain gets a happy ending!" Zelena let go of everything that was in her head.

"What made you think that z? Don't ever think like that.. I'm a villain.. I've got my happy ending I am happy, it took me a while to realise that but I'm surrounded by family!" Regina sat next to Zelena still holding her hand.

"I had a dream.. A dream that Hades was alive... That he has Elijah... And the only reason he'd have somehow come back was for revenge on me... For killing him! He's after me and he's taking it out on my family Gina" Zelena was shaking from fear, she didn't like not knowing what could happen to her and her family, she didn't like that fact that they are all at risk.

Regina sat in silence not answering, for she to believed Hades was back, she didn't like to see her sister in this state. 'This son of a bitch is going to pay!' Regina thought to herself before pulling Zelena's head in so that it was resting on her shoulder, stroking it in a calming manor "we will find whoever did this even if it is Hades we'll get him, if it is that last thing I do!" She whispered.

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