Chapter 6

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Robin and Alice arrived at the park, the park had a nature walk and lake side. They decided that it was best to go to the park first so that Lily-Rose and Artie could tire themselves out, Robyn got Lily-Rose out of the pushchair "hey sweetie what do you want to go on first?" She smiled and looked over at Alice and Artie who were already over at the slide. Lily-Rose giggled and she pointed at the vacant swing "okay, well go to the swing, let's practice your walking skills while we are here" Robin put Lily-Rose down and walked ahead slightly "come on then sweetheart, walk to me, I know you can do it" Robin smiled at her little sister.

Lily-Rose giggled and took a step forward and wobbled a little "Take it easy little one" Alice shouted over to Lily-Rose and smiled at both Lily-Rose and Artie who was smiling when he came down the slide. Lily-Rose continued to walk forward taking one step at a time and taking it slowly "good obin" Lily-Rose laughed. Robin felt so proud to see her little sister walking towards her "you are doing really well" Lily-Rose was very close to Robin now taking two more steps she held her arms out with a huge grin on her face. Robin picked up Lily-Rose as soon as she got to her "you did it.. You're such a clever little girl, let's get you on that swing" she kissed her on the forehead and walked over to the swing placing Lily-Rose into the swing pushing her slowly, Lily-Rose had a bored look on her face and was not impressed with how slow she was going.

"What's that face for little one" Alice laughed walking over holding Artie "is Robin not going fast enough for you" she smiled as she placed Artie in the other vacant swing an pushed him a little faster, Artie giggled with joy. "Ali ush me" Lily-Rose ordered Robin "She's got my moms attitude" Robin laughed as she walked away and allowed Alice push both Lily-Rose and Artie she went and sat down on the bench and sent her mom a message 'Hey Mom, Just sending a text to say the both Lily-Rose and Artie are doing fine, Alice and I took them to the park! Hope that your date with Chads going alright, let me know when you're on your way back. Love you both loads 💚💚she sent the message and looked up to see Lily-Rose and Artie laughing, looking at how amazing Alice was with children made Robin smile. "What you smiling at?" Alice asked laughing at the way Alice was staring at her "I need a little help here" Robin saw Alice trying to get Lily-Rose to get out of the swing "okay, okay I'm coming" Robin stood up and made herself get to Lily-Rose's eye line "Hey sweetie.. How about we get you out of this swing, and we can go find something to eat?" Robin smile, she knew Lily-Rose wouldn't turn down food, once she had gotten Lily-Rose out of the swing, and placed her in the pushchair.

Once Alice had got Artie out of the swing and in the pushchair they made there way out of the play area and strolled to the parks café. "I think I might just get a coffee for now and then I'll make us something when we get back does that sound alright?" Robin asked Alice "Sounds absolutely fine to me, well just get these two fed then" Alice smiled. Once they got to the parks café Robin got a seat outside as it was warming up, Alice ordered some food for the kids and a coffee for both herself and Robin. Whilst waiting for their food they saw Archie "Hello, how are you both?" He asked Alice and Robin "we're fine thank you Archie, how are you?" Robin replied "I'm fine thank you, I see you have your hands full, but remember that your due a counselling session in two days" Archie smiled and left them to have there food.

"I wish he wouldn't keep reminding me that I have counselling sessions, just because I have them does not mean I'm incompetent, I do remember" Robin sighed, her mood had changed pretty quickly she placed her head on Alice's shoulder and watched the twins eat their food "Hey.. Robin look at me" Robin looked at Alice "don't let things like this get you down.. You know both your mum and Regina paid for these counselling sessions because they were worried about you.. And so was I.. That's why you started writing that book it was to help you cope" she paused to sip her coffee "but anyway, we have the rest of today to enjoy and instead of you cooking how about I cook something for the both of us or.. I'll take you on a date later on" Alice smiled and kissed Robin. "I'd like a date very much" Robin smiled back and returned a kiss "you always knew how to cheer me up" she looked over at Artie and Lily-Rose to see they'd finished there food and were rubbing there eyes "I think these two are ready to go back into the pushchair and I think they'll fall asleep, so how about we do that nature walk and the lake side walk" Robin asked Alice as she got the pushchair ready "that sounds perfect to me" Alice replied standing up to pick Artie up and to put him in pushchair, within minutes of him being in there he fell asleep,Alice then got Lily-Rose out and placed her in the pushchair she tucked her in. Lily-Rose put her thumb in her mouth and closed her eyes.

Both Alice and Robin looked at each other and looked at the twins "look at them, they're so adorable!" Alice said quietly "looks like we knackered them out" Robin laughed a little "anyway let's get going" she continued, as they walked out of the café and towards the nature walk Robin stopped for a second "Alice? If I were to go to the specialist doctors and talk about IVF, what would you think?" Robin looked into Alice's eyes. Alice gave Robin a long and passionate kiss "I will go with whatever you want to do.. You know how much I want to have children,and these little cuties have made me realise that, it's defiantly what I want! So I will be happy and support you" she smiled, Robin had a huge grin on her face "I love you so much Ali" they continued to walk to the nature walk. Once they had walked around both the nature and lakeside walk, they all made there way back to Zelena's house.

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