Chapter 28~The End 💙

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A/N: Hey guys I'm really sorry if you thought this was a chapter, but I'm just writing this to say, this is the end of the book! This book has honestly given me so much more confidence in writing, I used to love writing when I was a child until I was put down by my English teacher! I'm now 19 and I'm going to get back into my writing!
1) I'm super thankful for all the reads!
2) I'm really thankful for all the support.
3) I'm really sad that this book has now come to an end. It's amazing how much writing a story can pull you into being the character! I smile while I'm writing and I'm so happy with the outcome of the book 💚💙


I have a little proposition for you guys! If I was to write a sequel would any of you read it. I have an idea of what the sequel will be about(part 2 to the cliff hanger I left you on) but I just need to know if you guys would read it there will be more drama more emotional moments and a far longer book! I also have a SwanQueen book called Lost Without You, and yes it's a pretty damn emotional one. Almost finished it I have a happier SwanQueen one too if you want to read that too 😘

I also have a few other books if you want to take a look at those, I may step out of my once fandom books and start a few lost fanfics and Harry Potter fanfics! And maybe publish my own book that I've been working on since I was 12 needs a few adjustments but it could work, just want to know what you guys would like! But yeah with out further a due I formally say that this part of the book is reasonably complete 🤘🏼😂

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