Chapter 21

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Robyn and Alice made there way downstairs and Robyn greeted all the guest that had arrived "thank you all for coming, Alice is honestly the best wife anyone could wish for" Robyn smiled lovingly at her wife before turning her attention back to her guests "please all make yourself at home and enjoy the party" Robyn smiled and made her way over to Emma,Regina and Zelena "Hey Robs" Emma smiled "want a drink of water?"

"Yes please, Yanno, hospital water always taste so much different!" Robyn laughed.

"When did my little munchkin grow up, it's not fair! But now I have two little monkeys and a grandson to keep me young" Zelena smiled as she hugged her daughter tight, she whispered something into her ear "your dad visited me last night.. He told me that he's really proud of you, that he's so happy that he's a grandad, and he knows you'll bring him up right" she pulled away and smiled at her daughter who had tears in her eyes, wiping them away she went to find Chad.

"Here you go robs" Emma handed the new mom a glass of water, "what's up, you look like you've seen a ghost?" Emma continued and looked at Regina who looked equally as confused as she was.

Robyn coughed slightly "not quite seen a ghost, it doesn't matter, enjoy the party I'm feeling slightly light headed, must rest! Love you both" Robyn kissed them both on the cheek before making her way back through the crowd, and up the stairs, she decided to check on her son before heading into bed.

Walking to his room she noticed a uneasy cold breeze coming through his room, opening the door she saw a man standing over her sons crib "Get the hell away from my son!" She ordered the strange figure.

"Nice to meet you too Robyn, it's been so long, last time I saw you, you were well a baby!" The strange figure was evidently a man by his distinct voice.

"Who are you? And how do you know me?" Robyn had fear coursing through her body, for her son and herself.

"I don't know you like I said you was a baby when I first saw you.. But I do know your mom Zelena! And I've come to take her back, what better way to get her attention then to take her new born grandson" the male figure laughed.

"You lay a finger on my son and you'll regret you ever came into this house!" Robyn hissed "now answer my question, Who are you?!" She continued and she stepped forward closer to her sons crib and to the man.

"My my you have your mothers temper.. I like it" he laughed "well I am a god, the God of the underworld to be precise at least I was until your mom so rudely killed me" he showed his face and Robyn gasped.

"Hades!!" Robyn creased at the mans name "you son of a bitch.. You killed my father! You deprived me of my chances of ever seeing him! Of him ever seeing me grow! You deserved to be killed!" Robyn lunged forward to push him away from her sons crib only to be greeted by powerful magic pushing her back into the wall, hearing a crack and her head smacking against the wall.

She landed on the floor in a heap, her vision began to go blurry, ringing in her ears but she still heard his voice and now her son was crying, she tried getting up but the pain shot from her back stopping her from moving. "What.. What do you want?" She croaked struggling to keep her eyes open.

"I want my revenge! And I'm going to start with taking EVERYTHING your mother has ever cared about, including your son, you, your siblings and that disgusting excuse of a husband! And then I'll kill her" Hades hissed stepping forward holding Robyn by the chin so she was looking at him "and if anyone tries to stop me.. I'll kill them too" he slammed her head against the wall knocking her unconscious.

Stepping closer to the crib "my my aren't you a handsome little boy, I'm sorry that this is the family you had to grow up in, but my revenge has to be.." Hades was cut off by footsteps coming towards the door, he grabbed the boy and evaporated along with the little boy. Leaving Robyn in a lifeless bloody heap on the floor.

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