~The Supposed Fiance~

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Connor's P.O.V.

The very moment I opened my eyed the first thing I saw in my phone is a joker card sent by Caesar in the group caht we have! Dylan was the one who usually send this but then this time it made me wonder why Caesar was the one who sent it and aside from that I also noticed that this is a new group chat...

The heck! Dylan's mother is alsi included even his sister!

"What's wrong? Why the joker card?" I immediately dialled Caesar's number to get clarifications, this card means something serious is really going to happen so recieving this is very urgent for the 4 of us.

"Dylan's mother called me, she said we need to go to a restaurant and meet her there"

What the heck is she planning now? I though we should be informed as well? Why is she planning and doing things on her own? This is a very serious problem as we don't know what's going to happen sooner or later.

"How's Dylan?"

"For sure he's being forced" Obviously Connor, why with those dumb questions?... why on earth did they send this the moment I woke up?! I'm feeling so grogy!

"I'll be there, send me the address"

Throwing my phone on the bed I started to take a bath and change to my finest clothes, Caesar told me to dress casual so I just went with a turtle neck, pants and a trech coat to keep me warm from the cold. I hurriedly came to the address Caesar sent me and was greeted by the receptionist, it was a very high class restaurant and it wasn't a question since it's Dylan's mother whom we're talking about.

"This way please" I told the woman Dylan's mother's name and she hueriedly escourted me to a private room, one which is very secluded and no one will ever hear what we are going to talk about.

The moment I entered the room I saw Darren and Caesar already sitting on the chair, they were on the left side of the table but Mrs. Wang is nowhere to be found. I scanned the whole room and was surprised to see a woman, probably a year younger or just have the same age as us...

She has a pale complextion, straight long black hair and beautiful big doe like eyes. She looks like a model but with her slightly chubby cheek I knew she's an heir as well by the way she dresses and acts, very prim and proper for a very ordinary lady.

"Where's Mrs. Wang? Who is this?"

"Who are you?" She asked back with a sass, I was definitely surprised and so was the other 2 who I think just first heard the girl talk...

Well she just really proved that she's an heir... I hope just not that spoiled but I guess sassiness can be understandable... for girls of course.

"Everyone's complete, sit down everyone"

Ms. Wang appeared suddenly from the door behind us, I thought it was just a wall but turns out I was actually wrong. She sat on the main seat and the only vacant one is beside the sassy girl and beside Mrs. Wang, I was about to sit beside her but she turned to the side, telling me to sit beside the sassy woman... hope she'll not claw me or what so ever.

"This is Xylia Li, a daughter of a very good friend of mine"

Xylia Li, if I not mistaken is the heir of Li Enterprises, they had a partnership with Wang Corporation 3 years ago and since then they became great business partners in the line of business... but the daughter... I'm not sure since I've never heard about her before...

"Xylia this is Darren, Connor and Caesar"

"Why am I here Mrs. Wang?" She asked quite confused, every ounce of sassiness disappeared and she looks like a good sheep now... what a great actress beauty..

"Everyone, before Scarlet and Dylan arrives here I want you to know that whatever happens, the 3 of you are not going to leave this room until I say so"

"What do you mean by that?" Darren asked confused, we all need clarifications but how can we when-

"Don't believe everything I say, this is all part of the plan I have in mind"

What plan-

The door bursted open revealing Dylan who had been captured by his bodyguards, how cruel his mother can be... I suddenly felt bad for doing bad things to him in the past... they locked him in each bodyguard's arms and forced him to sit beside Mrs. Wang who was sitting on the main chair.

"Why did you bring me here?!" Dylan's voice was really high pitched to the point that I just momentarily zipped my mouth shut, afraid that I might spill the beans to Dylan if I looked at him in pity.

"Why are the 3 of you here as well?" Then he turned to us in question but none of us replied knowing that the dragon's eyes were solely focused on one of us.

"You told me that my sister is back but you brought me here just to meet this annoying girl?"

"Who's annoying? I just got dragged her as well!" Xylia muttered in annoyance... is she serious about being dragged here?

From her looks earlier it seems like she came here willingly... well I guess that's why the sassiness came... but... is she just acting right now?!

"Seems like young people nowaways are very outspoken"... please tell me Mrs. Wang is really acting this time...

The door bursted opened again... seriously why the dramatical entrance?! This time my eyes widened, everyone does when Scarlet appeared. She was standing before 2 bodyguards, differet from the ones whom Mrs. Wang asked to take care of Dylan...

Now what the heck is Mrs. Wang planning now?!

"Scarlet what are you doing here?" Dylan asked, my eyes turned to Darren who then sent a warning look to both Caesar and me. He can also sense that something bad is going to be announced or happen to day...

"I asked her to come here and invited her as a witness to Xylia and Dylan's wedding"

The fuck!

All our attention turned back to Dylan with a very angry look, his hands clenched and turned to fist, almost scaring me when his knuckles turned red.

What the heck is happening here? Why would she plan to arrange Dylan for a wedding with another girl? How would this help Dylan to know what true love really is?...

This witch... seriously she's already a witch!

"You'll be happy for Dylan right?" Her voice was almost too scary and true to be lies, I wanted to really get out of this room before Dylan can thrash and get angry sooner or later. I still have no idea how on earth will this scenario will make Dylan realize what true love is, all I know is that his mother is really purely evil...

Everyone was waiting for Scarlet's reaction, her eyes were wavering and getting quite watery, I knew that she is hurt but she tried to keep a strong facade, trying not to appear to be very weak and hurt in the inside. Whatever Dylan's mother is planning, I know this wouldn't really end well...

"I am, I am happy that Dylan would be able to marry a nice girl"

I was stunned at her reply... surely Dylan and Scarlet had so many fight to count but the love they have for each other are more stonger than anything there is, now her reply means something like giving up... is she giving up on Dylan just because of this? Just because she thinks that she's not good enough for him?

"What are you talking about?! I won't marry this girl!" Dylan immediately objected and stood up, pulling Scarlet away from us and running away from all the bodyguards who had been keeping him held for so long.

For a moment I was worried that maybe it was Xylia whom he dragged so I sighed in relief when I still saw her sitting before me with a small smile. She must've noticed how the two bickers but the love in their eyes were very impossible to hide...

"That went well"

Everyone's attention then turned to Dylan's mother when she spoke, honestly I really see her as crazy and a witch now, no matter how hard she tries to convince me that she's not, in my eyes... she already is and are just feeding us lies

"Before all of you calls me crazy, I am not"

"Dylan needs to man up and to know what love really means"

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