~The Trouble In Love~

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Connor's P.O.V.

We found Dylan and Scarlet passed out at night 2 days before, Scarlet had been kidnapped and Darren was the first one to alert us since the two had been in a fight again. We tried to tell Dylan and immediately he dashed out when his phone suddenly beeped, he intructed us not to follow him which confused us.

Knowing that the kidnapper probably sent him an address on where Scarlet is Caesar and I immediately traced his phone and contacted the police and asked for their help. We reached the said abandoned building after 30 minutes and there we found Dylan with a pool if blood, Scarlet was unconscious and it seems like she'd been hit by a chair or stool that was broken. Aside from that she didn't have any injuries.

"Where's Dylan?" Her high pitched voice comming from outside made me laugh.

Apparently Dylan and Scarlet were both unconscious for 2 days, we tried to ask the doctors if there's something wrong with them but they said that their body and mind were both recovering from trauma so it wasn't a problem.

Just this morning Dylan finally woke up, the first name he muttered is Scarlet and he wanted to go to her room. Sadly the 3 of us stopped him as he's still not fine, he broke 3 ribs and also has a fracture on his legs and arms so he's probably bedridden for a few more days.

Darren had visited Scarlet in the morning as we visited her last night, so far there was no sign of her waking up but the doctor made sure that she wasn't in coma much to our relief. And now, we made a plan to decive her just to know what her feelings are truly for Dylan, of course we will be happy to know that she likes Dylan as well.

Apparently the main villian of this plan turned out to be Darren... so let's see what happens... he's also cunning...

"No laughing" I instructed Caesar who instantly began laughing once we heard Scarlet's voice outside Dylan's ward, Darren wanted to be the look out so in that case both Connor and I will be ready. As of now Dylan would probably be surprised since he's sleeping peacefully, but I hope he'll be able to act as well.

"It's too late now" Darren spoke melodramatically, we draped Dylan's whole body with the comforter, making him seemingly appearing as if he's already pronounced dead.

"Dylan left us very peacefully" I softly spoke as Scarlet slowly opened the door, her eyes were very glossy and yet uncertain as maybe she's trying to deny what Darren's words were.

"Never thought that he will just leave us like that" I almost wanted to laugh again once Caesar walked from one corner to the other, it's almost as if we're doing a fashion show than mourning for our friend...

Slowly, Scarlet took time to step towards Dylan's body who is just peacefully sleeping...but he does look dead... we didn't connect the heart monitor so it's flat as of now... but is Dylan still okay?

"No way! Dylan I don't allow you to die!" In less than a minute Scarlet was full of tears, she started acting hysterical which not made us laugh, as we were shocked at how she acted...

"Hurry and get up now!"

"I still have to apologize to you, even if... even if your temper is bad I still" She sobbed loudly, I turned my attention to Darren who just has a smile on his face...

Now I understand... he wanted Scarlet to realize that who she really likes is Dylan and not him, now he wanted her to know in the most possible way, as early as possible...

Something that has to do with the wirds 'you'll know he's someone important when he's finally gone'...

"I still wish you're alive"

"Dylan please get up now"

"You did so many overboard things in he past, I have to still hear you apologize, get up now"

"What are you saying? You're so noisy" Dylan muttered as he took off the cloth on top of him.

Everyone errupted in laughter aside from Dylan and Scarlet of course, Dylan seemed to understand what was happening but Scarlet suddenly strangled him and even stradled the injured person.. I never know they're that advanced!

"Is this how you treat an injured person?" Dylan barely croaked as he turned to look solely at Scarlet who was still comfortable in sitting on top of him... his ribs... though...

"You just missed Scarlet's expression earlier, I almost couldn't hold myself and laugh" I muttered while holding my tummy in laughter, I never laughed so hard like this before.

"How dare you lie to me! You didn't die but scared me to death! I will kill you! You even ployed Darren to lie to me!"

"I broke 3 of my ribs and my body is in pain yet you're sitting on me? Scarlet, how long are you planning to sit on me? It really hurts"

Scarlet froze on top of Dylan and softly turned to us with just a small smile on our face, she must've realized how intimate their position is so she slowly scrambled away from Dylan and sat on his side. The latter then sat up and rested his back on the headboard.

"Who asked you to play a prank on me huh?!"

What a good thing to watch, just because she couldn't hurt us especially Darren she keeps on hitting the injured person... Scarlet us really something...

"The police took care of those men" Darren spoke, thank goodness we were all able to get ahold of all the ones who made Dylan almost die.

"Dylan had already payed his price" Caesar muttered, looking over at the couple who looks very steady and fine now.

"I am not like I was before" Dylan agreed, for sure his sister will truly be happy to know how much he's changed... and it's for the better...

"What was he like before?"

"Compared to the old Dylan, right now he's Mr. Virtue" A proud smirk came across my lips but the moment Scarlet stares at Dylan I knew she wouldn't believe us...

"What are you staring at? You're very lucky to meet the new me" Dylan coolly tried to act, but seriously, he really did change...

From being the trouble maker to the cool one in the group, now he's someone who values you than anyone...

"Let's give them some quality time" Caesar chuckled as he pulled both Darren and I out, we really wanted to watch how those two interacts since we know they won't last a day not fighting.

But sadly, Caesar seems right, we should give the two lovebirds some time so they can catch up or ask each other questions after the said accident. None of them was at fault, Scarlet started blaming herself since Dylan was beaten in order to save her, but we made sure that the two would understand.

"They're really in love" Caesar muttered and cussed at the same time making us laugh, well who would've thought that the cat and dog would eventually end up together?

Besides Dylan was the very stone and cold hearted between all of us, we thought that maybe Darren will be the first one to have a girlfriend but knowing him, he probably wouldn't hold back what Jasmine wants. He's the type of guy who will let her go, if it means her happiness...

"I agree" Darren smiled softly, if ever... I wanted him happy as well, I just have no idea how...

"It really is crazy, the power of love"

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