~The Unwavering Nerves~

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Connor's P.O.V.

What the heck is actually running inside my parents' head? I mean in the past both of them were so very easy to read, they tell me things regarding the company and inform me about the new investors, if it's about some personal matter they would easily open up to me and will not lie for something. But today... serious they're making my head hurt!

"Hey, you're acting very weird, what has happened to you?" Dylan asked, all of us are gathered at Darren's house, after what happened yesterday Dylan refused to go home, hence, spent the night in Darren's house by crashing.

Darren didn't have any problem with them, only it was Dylan who had this serious problem. There were times he acts distant whenever Darren is around just like what he did when we were young, sometimes he's very clingly as if he's Darren's girlfriend and didn't bully him in the past.

The only reason why he didn't crash in mine and Caesar's house is that he said he's afraid to be a cockblock thinking that we bring girls at home and bed them there. Caesar doesn't bed girl, but because he hangs out with me everyone thinks otherwise.

I bed girls but ocasional only, once a month or two since I'm not that horny. Aside from that bringing girls home isn't so applicable to me, I go to a hotel to hide whoever was with me so the press wouldn't get that hype in reporting to everyone that I am in a serious relationship.

"Yeah, you've been very quiet since this morning" Darren commented, it's a good thing he's here, he can make someone calm even if he's quiet like me as of now.

"A girl in mind? Want to have a date with 08124?"

I glared but chuckled when I heard Caesar, those numbers are the names we both give to girls whom we had already dated. Honestly I never dated the girls he had and same with mine, it's like a bro code but different from the usual ones, ours is just date and sleep but other is a very serious relationship.

"Seriously you guys are really players" Dylan opposed our attitude od being playboys, honestly he came with us once in a bar and had a very hot make out session with some girl, I think that girl went to the States already and is now engaged. Dylan and th girl somehow became good friends even if the kiss was just a plain one with no strings attached.

"It's about my parents"

"Why? What about them? Are they pursuing you to find a girl and get married now?"

"No, why would they do that? I'm not like Dy-like some else!" I raised my voice a little higher than usual as Darren suddenly pinched me on my side as Caesar narrowed his eyes on me quite angrily.

"Yeah, besides whg would his parents want him to get married? We're in the 21st century" Caesar muttered... but stopped again as what he had just said also has something related to Dylan, well this arranged marriage thing is making his life miserable, I just hope nothing bad will happened to me like this.

"All 3 of you are acting weird"

Dylan suddenly spoke, the 3 of us turned to each other with nervous glares, why on earth did we even talk about this topic? Dylan would get pissed at our topic but then his eyes were really trying to study us one by one, he seems to get our sudden change of mood. The two threw me a look to start talking so we can finally move onfrom the sudden arranged marriage topic.

"As I was saying, my parents were my problem, they suddenly got angry the moment I talked about your engagement to Xylia"

"Why would they get angry?" Dylan scoffed, Caesar and Darren then turned to each other in question.

"I have no idea"


I woke up quite having a headache, it was very crazy last night especially at the sudden announcement of Dylan's arrange marriage with Xylia Li. It was very unexpected for us, the sudden move she had caught us off guard than anything there is.

It brought several questions in our mind, she just wanted to test their love but I think arranging Dylan for a marriage is something overboard than just a mere test. The 3 of us for sure thought that she's already trying to erase Scarlet from her son's life, but then why?

"You got home quite late last night, what happened?" Mother asked, I didn't even realize that I'm already sitting before the dinner table and is eating my breakfast with my parents.

"Dylan had a problem, we met his mother yesterday and everything got very messy"

"What happened to Dylan? Care to share?" She asked, since all 4 of us are close to each other our mothers care for each other's son's welfare, but sometimes our mothers doesn't get along with each other.

"His mother is planning to make him marry a girl"

"But isn't he with Scarlet? The one in your school? I thought they're in a serious relationship?" I sighed and shooked my head, I don't think they'll be able to be together for a very long time, they'll bicker even just for a second.

"Honestly their relationship is very confusing, one time they fight, then one time they flirt than vice versa again. Besically it's more confuaing than serious"

"So tell me, who might be his fiance? Is she beautiful?" I raised my shoulders, honestly she's more feminine than Scarlet, quite elegant than Scarlet and quite matured than Scarlet... basically for me I would choose her rather than Scarlet...

I have no idea what Dylan saw in that girl...

"She's fine, but I gues she's someone like Scarlet as well"

"Who is the fiance Connor?" Dad asked quite curiously...

"Xylia Li"

"What?!" I dropped my utensils and turned to my parentts in surprise and in question... what the heck?

"Why would-" Dad was about to shout before me, questioning my mother when she suddenly stopped my father from further talking, I was stunned and confused at their sudden halt in talking.

Mother uttered some words to father's ears, whispering things which they did not want me to hear, confusing me more than I already am. Their eyes turned to me at the same time, mother with a worried gaze while father turned to me rather calmly and in understanding.

"Let's have a talk later Connor, excuse us"

Now that was what happened to me earlier this morning....

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