~The Avoidance~

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Xylia's P.O.V.

There had been several instances wherein I felt myself having several double thoughts, one being if I ever want to get married and the second one is this...

I couldn't really sleep last night and my mind was able to be restless so much after I had just agreed to be his pretend girlfriend, several thoughts started swirling around my head and it can't seem to stop even if I tried to clear my mind. Everything started to come to me, hitting me at full force and that was one reason why I couldn't help but to change my mind about agreeing to be his pretend girlfriend.

I arrived at school with much nervousness in every part of my body, my heart was beating in an erratical speed that I can't seem to control even if I tried to calm myself down several times. It also didn't help that our car is getting closer to the perimeter of the school, it made me have a hard time breathing because of the obviously might fail plan that I have currently flowing inside my brain.

At a short distance I was able to see Scarlet, Lucille and Lina standing on the entrance of the school hallway, they were cozying up on the small table there as their attention turned to me. I made my way towards them but my eyes kept darting all around me, at my surroundings in hope that I wouldn't be able to see someone I would really hate...

Please let me not see him just now... Just today...

"So how's the new girlfriend of Connor Leong? How does it feel that in a few minutes you're both going to reveal your relationship" Scarlet started teasing me by the time I sat down on the empty chair beside them, they all have mischievous looks on their faces and I feel like one wrong move they can kill me like monsters...

I've never been this scared in my entire life...

"I bet you weren't able to sleep properly last night, it shows on your face Xylia. I told you not to think about it that much, you're just only helping a friend" Lucille asked with a small smile only to be broken by my words.

"Who told you I'd be helping him?"

Everyone froze at my words, their eyes turned wide as they looked at me, confusion was evident in their eyes but I also saw a bit of mixed emotions as it was clerly evident in their eyes. It was almost as if they could see the entire world collapsing before their very own eyes at the sudden announcement I made.

If you'd look at me in my friend's point of view, you'd probably think that I am someone who doesn't have any self confidence and that I am crazy for having double thoughts, for taking back all the words I had said especially to Connor. Everyone would look at me as if I am someone evil for trying to give false hopes to someone who really would need my help but if only they'd know what happened, if only they'd know the real reason why I had double thoughts then they would understand me.

Everyone's attention got transfered to the ringging phone on the table which belongs to me, the name of the man whom I wanted to really avoid for today flashed and it wasn't a great way to start the day for me. I didn't dare touch my phone and just watched it ring, for my friends it just made them more confused. Their eyes darted towards me but I just shrugged it off and closed my eyes.

"He's calling you, aren't you going to answer him at least?"

"Or are you thinking about other things? What do you have in mind?" Scarlet asked right after Lina started gesturing me to take my phone.

"Simple, not going to ever talk to him, not going to meet him and not ever going to be with him. I've thought about it iver and over again but I think I really don't want to lie to everyone, mom might get angry at me for doing that plus they keep telling me about meeting someone next next week. I can't just tell them that I have a boyfriend when they know how much I don't like playboys"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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