~The Friend's Heartbreak~

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Connor's P.O.V.

"Dylan and Scarlet seems off today" Caesar mumbled, eversince that sneaky mother of Dylan told us to help her in her plans my life was never the same, just as Caesar's and Darren's but I should give him the credit since he is really making the whole scenario of a love triangle a good justice.

"Seems like Mrs. Wang is still bothering them. No one knows what's in her mind, all I know is that I should be worried and be prepared"

"She did mention a warning a week ago" Confusion clouded my brain but then the door suddenly opened, revealing Darren with worry etched on his face. Right now we are gathered inside Caesar's house and good thing Dylan was with Scarlet today.


"I have bad news" He cut us off immediately, well whatever news he has for sure it is very intriguing for the fact that he had come here in a hurry.

"What happened?"

"Scarlet's friends' family all went bankrupt, even her family is struggling now as her father just got fired"

"Their restaurant?" I asked, I know their restaurant is in a very stable business, everyone in their neighborhood loved the foods they serve there so there would be no problem if her father got fired.

"Someone bought the land, thus getting the restaurant as well"

"Is this the warning Mrs. Wang told us about?" Caesar questioned, suddenly I felt so unsure of what was truly happening.

If this is just a ploy of Mrs. Wang for sure she wouldn't come this far on trying to put them together, thus interfeeing too much in Scarlet's life just like this makes her appear evil... does she really wants Scarlet for Dylan or was she just trying to play with all of us?

"Xylia" The door opened again and this time Xylia entered, she looks like she's in a rush as well as she took time to breathe for a moment.

"I heard the news, I got here as fast as possble"

"Where's Dylan?" He needs to know this so he can talk to his mother or probably knock some sense to his sister to talk back to his mother again.

"No where insight in his house"

"I have news as well!" Xylia muttered, so that's why she came here, I guess the news she has is important but we need to know where Dylan is first.

"We'll deal with it later, we need to ask Scar-"

"She broke up with Dylan, he wouldn't follow her"

Everyone turned to Xylia deadpanned, we were all shocked and surprised to know such news. I never thought that news will ever come, sure the two does bicker a lot but break ups aren't their favorite thing to do. Dylan loves Scarlet very much and with his possessive ways I'm sure he wasn't the one who had initiated the break up...

But if it was Scarlet... she was probably trying ti save her family from the bankruptcy... but Mrs. Wang wouldn't so such thing... or can she?

"I'll go and find Scarlet, she might know any possible place where Dylan might be" Darren muttered, so far Darren needs to get to Scarlet and know what really happened.

"Let's try to ask our friends"

Xylia, Caesar and I departed from the house and went to our closest friends in the neighborhood, we also tried to call some of them and went to some parks and other places where Dylan might have gone to. An hour passed by and yet Darren told us he doesn't know any places where Dylan might be, we decided to go to Dylan's house to check if he's already there.

"Still none, where-" I silenced Xylia the moment I saw his car already parked at the garden, she turned both to Caesar and I in question and entered the mansion.

We tried looking for Dylan in his house but it appears to be that it was empty, he wasn't in his room, in the kitchen nor in the living room then I realized that maybe he he's on his favorite spot, the basement. Before we head out there Xylia told us that she'll be informing Darren and Danica, she also told us that we should take care of Dylan as she's still nothing in his eyes.

The moment we got to the basement I immediately found Dylan, lying like a mess on the couch, he looked like a mess. His eyes were bloodshot and red, his hair was disheveled, his clothes weren't torn, but thankfully he doesn't have any bruises in him nor a sprain. What made me worry is how many bottles there are infront of him, we've searched for him for an hour, trying to know where he was and maybe... he's been drinking for an hour here as well.

"Dylan" I called out to him, he turned to me with an unreadable expression but drunkenly smiled soon after. He had finished 5 bottles, I have no idea how he's even able to take all of that.

"Hello my good friends! Welcome back to my house!"

"Dylan you should stop this madness, Scar-" I tried to interfee, trying to put him sober even just for a few seconds but his reaction sent a clear message to me.

"Scarlet's back in that man's arms, you know they both look so good together. They should date, I support them"

All his words were babbles, nothing important and with no meaning at all, whatever he speaks as of now, it's all because of the alcohol he had took inside his body...

"That's enough-" I tried to reach the bottle and take it away from his grasp but Dylan was a firm hold on it and almost shoving me away. Knowing we can't do anything much we just sat down on the couch and looked at our friend.

"No! I'm toasting for their happiness! I'm going to give them my blessings just like what Darren did in the past"

"Dylan this isn't you, are you just going to let her go just like that? If any suitors of hers come, you wouldn't mind them now?"

"What's there to do? Scarlet and I are gone"

Dylan continued laughing, drinking and then repeating again and again, it pains me to see my best friend suddenly turning into someone very broken and confused. I don't know what to do, I can't seem to think what I can do to at least comfort him, to try to understand him but at this point I knew he had poured all his love to that one girl who made him who he is today.

He had poured all the love he has, all the feelings he knew to that one girl, to the unexpected unique girl who managed to tame him and to make him fall in love with her with just one snap. I've seen Dylan in his worst, him rebelling against his mother and sister, him trying to put up fights with different people... but through those years... I've never seen him this broken...

With all his laughter, with one last drink from the bottle, he suddenly threw it on the floor breaking into several pieces. All the laughters he have had died down and then he revealed what his true feelings are, he let out a broken sob and then he continued crying.

Caesar turned to e in alarm, in question and in fear, we never knew what other things Dylan is capable off, I've seen him angry but never as broken as this...

"This seems to have gone too far"

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