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I sat there with Ed... Waiting for the moment...

"Ed are you able to walk?"

"Sure let's go..."We walked up to the roof of the hospital. I opened the door to see Al standing staring at the scenery... We walked to Al and looked the same direction.

"I'm..."Al started.

"Alphonse Elric... The younger Elric son. Someone who wanted to be just like me... One of my best friends... Someone who risked everything to have his mom back.."I said.

"Is it really true!"He looked at me angrily.

"Al... You know me.. Don't you trust me?"I looked at him with pitiful look.

"Y/n..."I walked up to him and hugged him.

"It is the truth..."I teared up a bit. I looked up at him. I could tell that now he understood.

"She's really amazing..."I heard Ed say, making me and Al laugh.

"Oh brother..."Al said. He laughed and jumped into the hug landing all of us on the ground. After a few minutes of laughing we all fully layed down and cloud gazed. We went back to the hospital room and a few days went by.. Al was out helping the town while I was stuck on Ed duty... Not that I mind.. I walked back into the room to see Ed comfortablely sitting on the hospital bed. I walked over to him while doing so he looked at me.

"Anymore danger?"

"Not that your allowed..."I said protectively.

"And how are you gonna stop me?"

"If you stay you can pick something that you want..."

"Okay... I choose kissies and cuddles!"I sat down on the bed and gave him a kiss. We cuddled all day unless people visited.

Shortie (Edward Elric x Reader) ! Discontinued !Where stories live. Discover now