The Orphan Girl

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I stare into the darkness, confused, obviously. It seems to swallow me, taking me to another dimension. I imagine things calling out to me from the darkness, but nothing does. I also imagine things jumping out at me, like they sometimes do in movies, but non of that rubbish is actually real. We all know that, right?

"Who's that?" I ask, finally remembering that I was being talked to. The man said 'we've' been waiting for you. I don't even know who you are. Am I supposed to know? I'm probably on some sort of TV game/surprise show thing.

"Please sit down." a woman asks.

"I would sit down if I could see where the seat is." I smirk but then realise that no one can actually see me. Wow.

A couple lights flicker on beside the door but I still can't see the people that I'm here with. STRANGER DANGER.

Tori and Natalie sit down in the two free chairs. I stand behind them, looking into the darkness.

"I still can't see you." I say, frowning.

I hear someone sigh loudly from within the darkness. I shake my head softly and look down at my feet.

"Why are you here?" the woman growls. We must have been interrupting something. *wiggles eyebrows* That's probably why the lights were off. I don't even know.

These people are horrible though, even if we have interrupted something. I pity the person who gave birth to them, and probably their who family. Sucks to be you.

"My friend here," Natalie motions to me, "stayed up past her curfew to get a tattoo and I basical..."

Wait, does that mean I have a friend? For the first time in forever, I'm not forever alone.

She gets cut off by the rude man saying, "And who is this person?"

"Evelyn Johnson." I say.


More silence.

Even MORE silence.

The silence seems to go on for hours. I clear my throat, at least I'm trying to make this less awkward, but it doesn't work. The silence carries on.


More silence.


I'm beginning to hate silence. What's the point in it? Lets make awkward silences happen because why not!

"Evelyn Johnson..." they both whisper. Do they know who I am or something?

"What were you saying Natalie?" the woman finally says, a lot kinder than before. It's about time they have us some respect. A bit too late if I'm honest.

"Well, before I was rudely interrupted, I was going to say that you need to see the tattoo that she got. It might surprise you."

I thrust my arm out for them to see, not that they'd be able to, considering the darkness that seems to be eating us alive. A hand appears out of the darkness. It grabs my arm and twists it around.

The mysterious and completely random people/peasants whisper a bit between themselves, "we're not surprised at all." they say.

I tut loudly, "Can someone tell me what the hell is happening here. You might as well blind fold me and chuck me into the chasm."

"There is no need to raise you voice Evelyn." The woman says.

"Maybe you should tell me what's happening here and I won't raise my voice," I speak, "That's right peasant, the sass is REAL."

I smirk to myself again. I wonder if they can see us. The light would be a bit pointless otherwise.

Natalie holds my hand in hers and squeezes it slightly. It's probably a signal to tell me to shut up. Ain't nobody got time for that.

"Do you know who we are?" the man seems to yell at me, someone's a little bad tempered :'(

"She's new." Tori and Natalie whisper at the same time.

"Im new." I shrug my shoulders, "I started yesterday, I'm pretty sure."

"We'd like to talk to Evelyn alone now please. I think then we'd be able to get some information out of her, instead of you interrupting her, it's very rude you know." That woman also has sass, we're gonna be best friends.




Just no...

They raise slowly and walk out of the door, closing it behind them, loudly.

The remaining lights flicker on so that I can see the mysterious people. They smile, I don't.

I take a step back. It can't be! I'm not going to believe this. It's not real.

(Hi guys. I've been super lazy. Came on this today and realised that I had basically finished it anyway. LOL. Here's the update and I should probably have some sort of time table telling when to publish something. #mylifenow baii and enjoy the rest of your holidays)

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