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"Melody Jones!" My head snapped up to the female guard outside my cell room. I grinned then waved at her. She rolled her eyes but I noticed the small smile on her lips. She was the only person I liked here, others were just plain insufferable.

"What's up, Judy?" I questioned, standing up to hug her as far as I could through the metal bars.  They called it juvenile, I called it prison.

"You're out today" My jaw dropped open in shock then I looked at the once plain wall which was now inked with my writing and markings. I had stopped keeping track of time that's why I didn't realise that 2 months were gone.

Wow! I gaped at her as she opened the bars. I quickly tackled her in a tight bear hug.

"Why didn't you warn me since?" I whispered and she chuckled lightly, rubbing my back.

"I thought you marked it" she responded, voice full of humour and I broke the hug, grinning.

"Meh! I guess I  got side tracked" I shrugged and she shook her head gently, before locking up my bars and pulling me with her to the shower stall.

"Get in. Freshen up and look good okay? I'll be waiting outside" I nodded, grabbing the clothes she stretched out to me before entering the bathroom. I scrubbed and shaved thoroughly, knowing I was going out of here today. I was glad.

I was sent here all because I helped ugly Betty look uglier. Thing was, Bethany, known as Betty in my school.  The cliche mean popular girl, going ape shit crazy on me. I showed the bitch I was crazier and most definitely meaner. I broke her nose, dislocated her jaw and scathed her face with my rings. I sent her to the hospital and her lawyer daddy of a dick sent me here. Simple and short. It wasn't the first time I was here and sweet sweet Judy never got tired of having me here.

I smiled when I felt clean enough so I dressed up in blue jean shorts and a white tank. A red flannel around my waist and i wore a pair of red vans. I brushed my straight bronde hair and walked out, after spritzing a bit of the cheap perfume I found.
"All done Judy love" I winked at her and she smiled, rolling her eyes. I was practically itching to get the hell out of here.

"Before you go, Sheriff wants to speak to you" I cocked a brow. That was a total mood dampener.  Sheriff was a pig, a fat old disgusting pig. He screamed authority,  hell yeah but he was a loser. Couldn't hold liquor, a damn paedophile and just plain stupid.

"What for?" I grumbled out, stomping my foot like a bratty and whiny kid. Sue me!

"Go see for yourself" Judy answered with a shrug and I huffed before marching to Sheriff's office. I shuddered as I stopped in front of his door. With a deep breath, I knocked.

"Come in, Jones" his gruffy voice came from inside. See? His paedophile radar alerted him.

"I can see you from the camera sweet cheeks" I rolled my eyes and walked in, staring at the 34 year old man. Okay, I might've lied a little bit.  He wasn't old and he wasn't a disgusting fat old pig. Infact he was the opposite,  an eye candy.

He wasn't a paedophile and he doesn't drink. I was still pissed at him. He was insufferable alright. I tried to seduce him into getting me out sooner but he only laughed at me. He enjoyed the comedy. He was still single and very much available but he didn't look my way.  He said I'm too young, so what if I am. When a girl needs to get laid, she sure as hell has to get laid.

"Still pissed, I assume" well duh! I rolled my eyes.

"Don't beat around the bush, get to the point" I scoffed, crossing my arms. He clenched his jaw. He easily got angry and he could flip shit when he was angry.

"You're leaving to NYC" My jaw dropped for the second time that day.

"WHAT???" I growled. He can't do that.

"it's not a bad thing Jones. I'm sending you there to start over. You get to go to school, everything will be provided for. Not everything coz you'd have to work to earn something but you're going to NYC" his tone had finality. No room for discussions or arguments. End of topic.

But maybe this is not a bad thing. I could start somewhere to look for the killer of my parents and NYC is a big city. Maybe it was time to get that sweet revenge. I will take up this opportunity. I don't have anything or anyone here in Australia so, I'm good to go. This was it. It was time to change my identity. To change who I am, to go into a place where noone knows me. To start over with one goal in mind-avenge my parents death. I smiled at the Sheriff.

"I think it's a lovely idea Sheriff.  Who knew you could warp something up in that little brain of yours?" He glared at me and I just gave him a sweet smile.

"Great, you're leaving today.  Your flight ticket has already been booked. Once you get there, people i sent will be there to help you" I nodded at him amd stood up.

"Thanks Sheriff" I appreciated and he gave me an incredulous look.

"D-did y-ou-" I rolled my eyes.

"Oh shut it. Don't get ahead of yourself" I snorted, placing a hand on my hips.

"Please Jones, don't get into any trouble if not you'd be back here and this time, in prison" I snorted again.

"Not making any promises Sheriff.  See you soon" I waved and walked out. Judy wasn't in sight and I made my way to the doors. From today, I become Camilla Lorenzo. No more Melody Jones.  She's dead and buried. Never to be unraveled. I am Camilla Lorenzo.

"Camilla Lorenzo" I muttered my new name with satisfaction before heading out into the cool late morning breeze. Finally!

Hiya! So, that was just the prologue. How are you? Did you like it? Pretty long eh? Anywho, I read a quote today. It's kinda funny. It went like this "Love me and I'd move mountains for you. Hurt me and I'd drop those mountains on your head" lol. Funny? No? Oh...sorry.

*shyly cowers behind a curtain* Okay people, this prologue hasn't been proofread as I'm too lazy to do that but hey, that's why I have you guys right? Wrong? Oh c'mon, don't be mean like ugly betty. Lol. Book reference. Anyway please pinpoint any typos.  Thanks. Also, don't forget to vote, and comment. Love you lots, cuties.


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