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My phone blared loudly, waking me up. I looked at my clock 2:15am. Who would be calling me by this time? If it's Camilla, I'll kill her. I reluctantly opened my eyes amd felt around for the phone.

Picking it up, I swiped the screen and placed it on my ear. I stretched but something was in my way so I put on my bedside lamp, noticing my sister. When did she even come in and how?

"Is this Noah Cameron?'' I sat up. I hummed in response, running a hand through my hair.

"Okay,I'm doctor, Scott. You're mom's doctor" I hummed again, all trace of sleep vanished from my eyes. My heart pounded quickly against my chest. What is it that he has to call me this early? I dreaded the worst.

"I'm sorry to tell you, your mom passed away, 5 minutes ago" My  blood froze, my heart dropped to my stomach and the phone fell from my hands. I got my keys and slipped on some clothes in the dark. I ran down and into the car, ignoring my shoes.

I drove like a maniac till I reached the hospital, parking the van. I got out and ran imside the bright building. It wasn't as packed but it wasn't empty either. I reached the receptionist and she nodded, giving me a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry for your loss" I clenched my jaw and ran to her ward. What loss? Nobody is dead, no. I saw my mom yesterday. She looked okay. How will she go like that? No, just no. It can't be.

As I neared her room, I saw the nurses and doctors rolling her out in a gurney, a white cloth covered her face down. I shook my head, running up to them. They gave me sympathetic smiles and I glared at doctor Scott.

"We're sorry for your loss" I swear if someone says that again, I'd skin them alive. I slowly walked towards her gurney and uncovered her face. Her eyes were shut and lips sealed. She looked ghostly pale and when I touched her forehead with my knuckles, she was cold.

"We'll give you some time" Scott said and walked away with the others. I knelt down to reach her without bending.

"Mom, please don't do this. I can't accept this. Tell me this is a prank. Please" I pleaded in a stutter, my voice cracking in the end. When she didn't say anything, that was the leeway for my tears to come crashing down. Hot, large tears fell from my eyes to her forehead.

"Mom, I can't lose you too. Please mom! What about Noelle, she's still so little. I can't take care of Nate and Noelle myself. All by myself-'' I begged, the tears rushing out more like a fountain. I hugged her. She was cold and hard.

"You didn't even say a proper goodbye. Mom, mom please. Just one last hug, one last smile, please. Mommy-" I broke down, my body racking violently against hers. I sniffled.

"You can't just leave us like this. I-I planned on coming to see you later today, only to get the dreaded phone call."

"Why didn't you tell me how worse you were getting? When you said you weren't getting any better, I thought-I just thought we'd have some months with you. I've not even graduated. Mom-when we were little, you promised you'd be there for all our high school graduations. Mo-mom'' I wailed, my tears and snort soaked her and the white cloth.

"Noah-" I heard Scott say as he tried to pry me off my mom.

Keyword: tried.

I didn't let go. If I did, everything would seem so real. I held on tight. She wasn't hugging me back, she wasn't saying-'sshh, baby, it's gonna be okay'. How would I tell Noelle and Nathaniel? They'd say I didn't try hard enough. What kind of son and brother am I when I can't take care of my mom? I didn't try.

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