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You know that adrenaline rush when you do something you've not done in a long time? That's the feeling I felt when I rode on my motorcycle to school. It felt so nice riding after two months in juvenile. The blood that coursed through my body was exhilarating.

I had missed my bike- candy. She was awesome. I rode to Behls High School (BHS). I was late, seeing as no students were loitering outside. With a small sigh, I parked the bike and got off, removing my helmet and hooking it on the handle of the bike. I ran a hand through my hair to make sure it was neat before striding inside like a boss, a small smirk on my face. Ah, the feels. I easily found my way to the principal's office and knocked.

The receptionist was not at her desk. Tut tut tut, poor service. I shook my head.

"It's open" A richly accentuated voice came from inside. I opened the door and walked in. The office was as large as any other place in the school. And the school was large. Good one, Sheriff. I spotted a guy with his head down and I took that time to look around. Hanson Thomas! That was the name on his name plate.

"Are you done checking everything out? Is it to your satisfaction Miss Lorenzo?" I had deleted all files related to Melody Jones so here, I was Camilla Lorenzo. I looked at the guy. Using a rough estimate, he should be around 30. I took a seat without him asking me to then I placed my legs on his desk, crossing them around the ankles. I got his name plate, reading the name again.

"They might as well call you, Handsome" I winked and he cocked a brow, leaning back on his chair, arms crossed. An amused smile played on his lips. God, he was handsome.
"Welcome to Behls highschool, Miss Lorenzo. Here's your schedule." He cut straight to the point, handing me a paper. His tone held amusement. I giggled flirtily before getting the paper.

"Why, thank you. Mr Handsome" I flirted and he just had that amused smile on his face. Why was he so attractive? Messy blonde hair, light blue eyes that had a little bit of mischief behind it. His lips were pale pink but inviting. I didn't have a thing for old guys, it was just my way of socializing with grownups. Tease them till they die but hey, you can't deny that some are breathtakingly gorgeous.

"Alright Miss, off to class. You were pretty late." I sighed and got up. He was just like Sheriff, finding entertainment in my pathetic 'seduction'. Atleast he didn't have quick anger.

"Avoid getting into trouble okay?" I rolled my eyes. As if! I headed to the door, twisting the handle when he spoke again;

" ...and Camilla? " I turned, raising an eyebrow,urging him to go on.

"I'm married with a 1 year old son"He raised his left fingers to show me the shiny gold band around his marriage finger. Pfft. So? That doesn't mean I can't hit on him. Besides, he didn't say he was happy with her.

"...and I'm happy. I still look at her the same way I did 2 years ba-" I went out, slamming the door behind me with a pout.


I checked my schedule for my locker and the combination. This school was large but places were easy to locate. I put in the locker combination and opened it to find it already stocked with books. I checked the timetable- AP Calc, room 4T , left wing. I was intelligent so no subject was hard for me. I picked out calculus text book and a binder where I put the textbook, a notebook a pen and my timetable. Okay then. Shutting my locker, I headed for left wing.

"Where's my homework, you dumb fucker" I heard someone hiss a little bit further down the left wing.

My curiosity kicked in and I passed room 4T and moved to where the noise was coming from. Don't tell me this is a bully case! Approaching the scene, I noticed a huge guy pin a rather lean good looking fella to the nearest locker. The good looking fella didn't even flinch. He just stared tiredly at them. Yes them, there were 2 other guys who probably looked like bestfriends of the hulk.

"I said, where the fuck is my homework? "The hulk seethed, his face getting redder as each second good looking fella refused to speak. The hulk raised a fist and that's when I stepped in, with a dramatic applause.

"So, care to leave the poor fella alone and explain what's going on?" The hulk sized me up and down before giving an approving nod to his friends and they left.
"Hello sweet cheeks, you should be new hear coz I'd never forget such a pretty face with those assets"

Cliche, so totally cliche!

I shuddered visibly as he left the good looking fella and approached me. Oh geez!
"I need an explanation ya know" I said sassily, looking at the good looking fella. He glared at me. Dude,I'm trying to protect you and you're glaring at me? Rude!

"Oh, right---" the hulk drawled, looking at Mr glaring pants.

"Well Noah, this fucker-'' he pointed. Noah, good name fot a good looking fella. I approved.

"Didn't do my assignment so now I wanna pulverise him. You can watch though, I'm told I'm sexy when I fight" I gagged inaudibly before looking at the good looking guy. Where the hulk was an eye sore, Noah was a sight for sore eyes.

"I'm Joey,what's your name?" He asked, a flirty tone was noticed. I smiled.

"Camilla" it felt so good to say that. He opened his mouth to say something but I cut him off.

"My twin is in the restroom, she really needs a quickie and you look like her type" the lie rolled off my tongue effortlessly. He smirked and began walking towards the restroom, I hope. He was stupid.

"You're off the hook Noah, just this once and you're lucky" Joey said, glaring at Noah before throwing a wink my way and sprinting in the direction of the restroom. I turned to Noah.

"You..." he cut me off by rudely shoving a paper in my palm and walking away. I opened the paper;

I could have handled it myself, you're new here, don't go around poking your nose into someone's shit. You'd be okay, that way. Also, don't go around thinking you're my knight in shining armour coz you'd never be that. Stick to your shit. PS: Noah!

"Hey!" I yelled at him but he just rounded the corner and disappeared from my line of vision. How despicably rude! He could have just said all those things instead of making me read the insulting words. Sheesh!

Soooo, they've met. That's not what you were expecting right? I get that feeling. Don't worry, you'd see more of them. I tried updating last night but, I slept off. Lol. It's here now so let's not worry. I'm still in need of a cover and later in this book, I might change the title. Pls vote and comment. Love you lots, cuties. Not proofread as usual. Point out typos thanks.


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