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I had sworn to omerta. That was what I lived by and if I broke it, I'd be gone. Noone would know how or why. I was in this situation because I was desperate. I needed quick cash. That's how I ended up working in the Mafia. The Mafia family was owned by Trebor Senoj. He killed without batting an eyelid. He was ruthless.  He even had some cops on his side and was never arrested.

He screamed money, fame, power, authority and most of all...fear! He loved when people literally piss their pants all because he made an appearance. He fed off of it. He thrived from it. Being the youngest member of the Mafia family-at an age of 19-had its perks. I had an easy job which luckily was my talent. I also didn't have to kill anybody and I was guarded.

Trebor took a liking to me the first day I came to him and willingly swore to omerta. He treated me like a son and protected my family. My mom, brother and little sister. My dad was a man who slept around and he finally left us.

My mom developed heart failure soon after and that's why I work here. To get money for my mom. Trebor was smart as he paid me little amount of money. He knew if he paid me great enough for my mom to recover, then I'd want out. You can leave the Mafia as long as you keep to omerta but Trebor wasn't like that.  If you quit on him,  he'd quit your life. As simple as that. 

He said "All is fair in my family and your life". He had all his minions to do his dirty work. I had to stay even I didn't want to. I worked as the computer guy, delivering and collecting online shipments, checking CCTV's, keeping tabs on people, hell, I even installed chips and tracking devices in people's homes or phones. That was my job and I was great at it. I also hacked things. I never spoke, I communicated through texts. I wasn't dumb,I just chose not to speak because I have a problem. That's a story for another time.

I rarely only ever spoke to my family. My siblings and mom didn't know about my job. My mom would disapprove and besides-omerta. I wasn't going to break.  Not even my best friends Chloe and Zennor knew about it.  Their lives were practically in my hands. In school, I wasn't a nerd, a jock, a bad boy neither was I popular. I was just an average teen who was kinda bullied because I chose not to speak.

I could fight back but I didn't. In the Mafia, you don't just put yourself out there. Girls were never my thing. I was still a virgin.  The only women in my life were my mom, sister and Chloe. I didn't have any special feelings for her.  She was just  my bestfriend. I've never met a girl who'd soften my heart and harden my dick .I wasn't even hoping for that coz sincerely, that's the least of my problems. I believed that in dating, there's only two ways out.  It's either it's over before you know it or you both suck it up and get married. And who's ready to get married at 19? Not me!

"Noah!" I quickly averted my eyes from the computer and turned to Mychael-the under boss. I stood up and walked towards him.  Everyone in the Mafia family knew I didn't speak and they understood. I wish they could make most highschoolers understand that everyone has his right to speak and not speak.

"Boss wants to see you". He spoke, nodding in the direction of boss' office. I inwardly grimaced, my heart thudded and with a nod of my own, I moved to the office. In the Mafia you were not allowed to be weak or have a weakness. In the Mafia, never wear your heart on your sleeve if not,  you'd be killed before you know it. I took in a deep breath before knocking.

Short right? Yeah,  I know. So, let's get to know each other. How old are you? I'm 16. And, whatcha doing now? Me, I'm licking a lollipop. So, I like switching POVs, hope you don't mind. I'm also in desperate need of a cover so if you have any covers that you think will go well with this book, pls kindly share. Don't forget to vote and comment.  Every vote counts. *wink*. Love you lots, cuties.
PS: Not proofread. Pls point out typos.

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