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I was in my last class for the day and trust me, I cared less about the class. Human Anatomy.

Excuse me but I know all the parts of the human body. I remember when I used to be all about books, making my parents happy with my good grades. Having a beautiful boyfriend who loved me inside out. Having anything I wanted on a silver platter so why would someone want to kill them? Especially my Uncle Rob.

Yup, he was the one that sent people to kill my parents. My dad's brother-blood brother. I saw it through our CCTV. Thank God we had one. One of the idiots that was sent did a video call as proof and then I heard my Uncle's voice.

I was about to call him to tell him about my parents but I didnt coz he was fucking responsible. I had cried myself to sleep for countless nights and guess what, he called one day, told me he heard about the news and he'd arrange a funeral and the funniest thing was, I hadn't told anybody.

Hell, I hadn't even left the house and that's when I confirmed it. He had sent people to kill them. He had the nerve to talk to me and tell me he'd make funeral arrangements. Damn him! He ruined me. I don't even want to get good grades coz....who am I impressing?

I had noone who'd paste my results on the fridge and rejoice over junk food and movie night. I dropped out of school, because I was gonna lose my mind if I didn't find Robert. I just needed to satisfy my thirst for vengeance.

If I got hold of him, I'd slice his throat with the pocket knife I carry around. I had beeen going to the shooting range to learn how to use guns. I took self defense classes and I felt ready. I just needed to find him. That's all.

Well, my 'date' with Principal Handsome went well. He was chill and told me to apologise to the woman then he'd see me. So I begrudgingly and reluctantly did it but the after math was okay. He brought out a bottle of wine and glasses and told me to toast.  I didn't toast coz I had nothing to toast for but he toasted.

He had said "Cheers to delinquents'.

It was funny, unfortunately he was married.  I told him about my stay in juvenile but I didn't dare mention my parents or their death. Who knows? He could be working with my uncle. My uncle should be around 32  coz he was ma dad's younger brother.

If I calculate correctly, my dad would be 35. He had me at 17. Still supported my mom till they got married. What a gentleman!

At lunch time Noah wasn't around. I stayed with Zennor and Chloe. Chloe was a nice girl and very quiet, just imputing opinions here and there on rare occasions. But I'm not here to get attached.

When I asked of Noah, Zennor told me he was probably missing in the toilets. I laughed at that though.

"...CAMILLA LORENZO!" I jolted up in shock. Jesus! Turning, I saw my red faced teacher leaning close to my ear so I'm guessing he shouted in my ear.

"Yeah?" I tried to hide the irritation in my voice but by his eye twitch I didn't do well in it. He reeked of pot. Ew! My teacher is stoned. This school isn't as prestigious asmit looked.

"Yeah? You're saying 'yeah?' You've been daydreaming for a long time now, is my class that boring?'' Apparently!

He was spitting on me. I moved backwards a bit and he smirked. Oh no, Mister! I'm not intimidated, I'm trying to avoid getting a disease. I didn't tell him that, let him just have his way, this once!

"Where do they get these students from? Do you think it's easy to-'' The bell rung and I stood up, packing my things.

"Sorry but can we complete this spit rampage later, that's the bell. Gotta bounce!" I winked and left the class with my binder. I guess everyone was gobsmacked coz noone moved. I guess I just brought drama to their school.

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