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I waved and blew a kiss to my sister as she skipped into her school, her backpack bouncing on her back. She was the last to drop off. My brother sorta apologised for his behaviour and I sorta forgave him with just a head nod.

Driving out of her school parking lot, my mind whirled back to yesterday and my jeans tightened. Boss had told me to go and watch her in the club half way between my tea party since he knew her location and I went to make sure she wasn't doing anything suspicious. I wanted to find out why boss was so cautioned with her, sending people to semd her messages and never for once has she seen his face.  He had put a fingerprint password for the safe room. Only him amd his bodyguards were authorised.

Then I went into the club, feeling so out of place and weird. The dance floor was packed withs sweaty bodies. I dialled her phone and saw it flash just above the bar counter I was at. Atleast, I found something of hers so I was certain she was here, somewhere.

My eyes roamed the packed crowd and she was easy to spot, making out and dry humping a guy. I didn't plan on staying for long so when I spotted them I just dragged her out after pushing myself through sweaty, sticky bodies.

Gross, was an understatement.

I didn't expect her to act like a cave woman all bevause she didn't get off. Heck, I didnt know she didn't get off. I heard not getting off can be very frustrating. But what she did was so uncomfortable. I looked at the passenger seat, her scent still lingered and I made sure to take it to a car wash when I'm back.

When she told me to help her get off, I thought I would die. I didn't know much about intimacy. I haven't even kissed before! I was aroused though, even the thoughts aroused me. Never knew I'd have a boner for Camilla. She was the epitome of bitchinesss but she was hot.

I wondered how she was so comfortable, sitting there, exposed to me, her lady part was...I'm not even going to say it, not even think it. I was squirming in my seat throughout. I basically saw her sexual frustration, rolling off in waves so I offered to take her to Zennor but I guess she was angry.

Who wouldn't be?

I parked in the school parking lot and groaned, looking at the strain of my pants and the bulge of my dick. I leaned my head on the steering wheel, clenching my fists.

Think about gross stuffs...drooping breasts, ketchup, menstrual blood.

I sighed when I felt a slight reduction (A/N: not sure if that's how it works but let's go with it). I got my bag and got out, locking the car. Straightening my jeans, and adjusting myself, I strode into the school.

"Hey Noah, you look weird" Chloe said, appearing by my side as I walked to my locker. I shrugged and put in my combination. I knew I was looking weird, why wouldn't why? I had every reason to look weird.

"Noah, sup" Zennor nodded at me and I nodded back as he put in his combination. His locker was right beside mine and Chloe's was opposite his. I buried my head in my locker, trying to select what things I needed, all the while looking for my binder.

"Zenny" I froze. I knew that voice...Camilla fucking Lorenzo.

"Hey baby" Zennor's sultry husky voice came through as his reply. The thoughts of yesterday, flushed back into my head and I groaned in frustration as I felt my jean tighten....again.

"Chloe...Noah" she said in acknowledgement. I noticed  the slight drawl of my name and I groaned. My hard on was straining my jeans and if I made myself noticeable, it'd be obvious. I cussed myself in my head for reacting this way.

"Noah, come out of you locker!"Chloe scolded and I mumbled incoherently, grabbing a text book and covering my area.

I nodded at Camilla and she glared at me. Still mad, I presume.

Her outfit did nothing to calm my boner but rather worsened my situation. She was dressed in a short red skirt and thigh length hose. Her crop top was off shoulder, exposing half covered tattoo on her shoulder and another on her waist.

What other tattoos does she have jeez? But they were a turn on nevertheless.

I gulped and looked away, nervously tugging my hair with one hand and the othet firmly holding the text book.

I looked at her only to find her biting her lip as she looked at the text book. I looked at Zennor then realised Chloe wasn't there anymore.

"I'll be going now. See you in gym, Noah" Camilla spoke, giving a small peck to Zennor's cheek as she breezed past me, her hand slightly brushing mine, the one on the text book.

I stiffend.

Then she muttered 'still frustrated' and left.

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding then looked at Zennor who smirked at me.

"If she's gonna help you overcome your prudeness, then I'd have to hand over. You look like you need to get laid and not just a quickie" Zennor spoke, slingling his arm over my shoulders, a teasing tone in his voice. I huffed, poking his ribs and he laughed.

He slapped my back twice and sauntered off to his class. He wasn't in this class...Chloe was.

I walked into class and took a front seat, pulling out all my essentials as I waited for the bell to ring.

"Noah, would you tell me what's going on?'' Just as Chloe said that, the bell rang and I heaved out a relieved sigh when the teacher strode in casually.

Saved by the bell.

Two updates in one day. That's a record. How do you feel about the title change? If I have more votes and  reads, we'll increase the number of updates some more. I'm sure y'all can't wait for gym class...neither can I. See you soon in the next chappie. Not proofread as usual so please pinpoint any typos. Thanks


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