Cleaning The Flat

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Knocking softly, you opened the door to Ashton's room walking in, seeing him cleaning different things in his dresser. "Hey handsome" you joked, walking over to his bed, placing some fresh cleaned duvet covers. "Hi princess thanks" He smiled gesturing to the duvets. You always called each other this, not really caring about it. It was a part of your best friends' relationship. Walking out of his room and into your own, it didn't take long for him to call you back. "Y/N" he yelled. "You called". You said as you entered his room for the second time. "Can you help me pleeeease, you know how bad I am at this." He gestured to the duvet covers in his hands. Taking the duvet from him, you turned it on perverse. "Take the quilt" you ordered smiling at his confused face. He smiled back at you, brown eyes glowing. "Okay Ash, I'm only going to do this one more time for you okay?" you commanded. "Yes Madame." He answered standing straight making honor. "Good" you chuckled. "First you take to small sides of the quilt" you ordered and helped him, by standing with your back against his chest, your arms instructing his. "Then you turn the duvet back to normal, by pulling here" you said turning the duvet upside down and into its normal self with the quilt inside the duvet. "And then you just shake it a bit" shaking it lightly the duvet attacked the quilt and soon the quilt wasn't visible anymore. "I know you can do it from here." You said looking up at him. "Yeah." he answered quietly taking the quilt in his hands and placed his bum on the bed, starting to scarce the buttons together. "I've never seen your room so clean before." You joked looking around in his room. He chuckled lightly looking up at you. "I did my best." "You sure did you answered and placed yourself beside him. "I'm tired" you yawned laying your head on his shoulder. "You wanna join me watching a film?" he asked sneaking and arm around you. "Sure" you said and Ash placed the new-made duvet over both of you.


"Okay so here's what I'm thinking. I will take our dinner table; put it right under the spot and after that I'll lift you up so you can reach." Luke explained. You had wandered the whole day, cleaning your flat, when Luke found a spot right next to your skylights where a lot of cobweb had appeared. "But what about the vacuum cleaner" You asked, with a terrified face. "We'll put it on the table as well, come on I want it away." He exclaimed already lifting your dinner table with ease. "Luke I'm not sure about-""Y/N I been thinking this through come on!" He interrupted you already having his arms around small waist, lifting you onto the table. "But what if you lose balance and we'll fall down and die nobody will find us because we will just-""Baby you are worrying too much you know that right?" he interrupted again. "No I'm just being realistic" You answered making him laugh. "I swear to god Y/N I won't drop you okay?" He asked but before you could even protest or even give and answer, the mouthpiece of the vacuum cleaner were placed in your hand and Luke's arms was around your calves lifting you up with ease. "WOOH" you shrieked trying to hold your balance in the air. "Don't worry I've got you, just don't move your legs." He said, tapping his foot on the cleaner turning the machine on. After removing the entire cobweb, Luke turned the machine off and placed you down onto the table, making sure not to drop you in any way. "That was fun." You laughed jumping down from the table. "Yeah but why would you doubt me, Y/N you're not even close to fat?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. "I dunno Luke I just didn't thought those spaghetti arms could carry me" You teased with a wink. "Oh it's on!" Luke demanded jumping down the table as well but before he could grab you, you had started to speed up running down your halls. "EY GET BACK HERE PRECIOUS!" Luke shouted.


"You could have warned." Calum said squeezing his eyes in pain." I told you I was cleaning the tiles!" You defended looking into his chocolate brown eyes while dapping the blood away from his knee where an abrasion had appeared. Not even in the mood for a discussion Calum shut his mouth. Not more than 8 minutes ago Calum had slipped and felt in your bathroom. You had your big "Lets clean the flat and not do it for the next 5 months day." Calum had taken the kitchen, cleaning the different shelves and stuff while you took the bathroom washing every tile crystal clean. You had told Calum earlier that day that you wanted to do it, but somehow it had slipped out of his mind so when he wanted to ask you some questions about where the detergent were placed, he slipped on the smooth tiles and hit his knee. Trying not to burst out laughing you went over and helped him up, trying not to slip yourself. "I think you should kiss it better!" He demanded. "I think you should shut your mouth and kiss it yourself." You muttered quietly walking over to one of your cupboards and grabbed a box of patches. "Heyeyey" He said trying to light the mood up. "I didn't mean it in a bad way." "Yeah I know." You said smiling slightly. "So do you want Hello Kitty, an elephant or 1D on your patch?" You asked pulling the different patches up in the air showing him them. "HELLO KITTY." He exclaimed and added "1D would be a bit... weird." "Fine fine." You said opening the patch, placing it carefully on his knee. "See. All better." You said with a satisfied smile. "No I still need one thing." Calum pouted like a little baby. "What?" you asked with a raised eyebrow. "I still want that kiss!" He said winking at you. "Fine" you huffed sighing before placing your lips on his knee giving him a small peck. "Done" you said and Calum jumped down from the counter continuing his work in the kitchen.


"We'll play a game of Fifa then!" He exclaimed hoping you would join. You and Michael had so fare cleaned both your bedrooms and your living room, but the last half hour you'd been fighting about who should clean the most horrifying thing ever - The toilet. So far no ideas had been relevant, until Michael came up with that idea. "That's not even fair, you know how bad I am at that game!" you exclaimed your arms flying in the air. "Well okay then what do you suggest?" He asked clearly irritated about the fact that you didn't get any further in the discussion. "ROCK PAPER SCISSOR." You yelled out in the blue. "That's such a risky game. I like it!" Michael beamed standing right in front of you hand ready. "You ready?" he asked with a small grin. "Couldn't be more ready" you answered quirky with a small smug on your face. After a good couple of times of choosing the same kind of tool, you finally managed to fool Michael. "HAH I WIN" you yelled finally done with the game. "That was so unfair!" he said with wide eyes. "You tricked me!" "Sorry sweetcheeks better luck next time." You whistled already walking out of the bathroom. "Y/NNNN" he pulled on your name following you into your room. "I don't wanna do this alone" He pouted giving you puppy eyes. "Stop, those eyes won't fall for me." You tried but failed when Michael stuck his face into yours. "Okay okay fine I will help you." "YES" he yelled fists in the air. "But" you added and Michael quickly pulled his hands down. "You'll have to give me foot massage after then." You said with a cheeky grin. "Argh fine!" he groaned walking out of your bedroom. "Oh and Michael?" you yelled. "Yeah" he answered. "Remember to use gloves for the toilet!" you yelled. Another groan came out of Michael's mouth before he walked over to the cupboard with all the different cleaning things. "This isn't a man's job" He said quietly to himself but you had a satisfied smile on your face and joined him cleaning.

Credit to bananashemmo on tumblr.


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